Tuesday, June 4, 2013

First Biggest Opposition Rally Since 2005 Held In Addis Abeba

First Biggest Opposition Rally Since 2005 Held In Addis Abeba

When the current regime of the EPRDF took power in 1991 through an armed struggle, many had cherished hoping it was a new beginning of democracy, freedom and equality. EPRDF’s regime did not embarrass many; it partly opened the media to all, allowed all religious groups to freely function and made some other reforms. However, as the policies of the new regime came out clearer and people began to oppose, the new regime started to apply what its predecessors had done. It closed many newspapers, arrested scores of journalists and politicians and killed many that protested. Especially, after the historic 2005 election, when the first biggest State recognized march was held, the opposition won large seats of the parliament, and the entire hopeful scenario ended in bloodshed, when the regime killed over 200 protesters arresting thousands; the glimmer darkened. The past eight years have been the government’s most brutal and repressive periods in its 22 long years of rule. It enacted new laws of ”anti terrorism and CSOs”, accused, convicted and detained many that had opposed the regime including peaceful journalists and politicians that live in the Diaspora. The fear level skyrocketed both inside and outside the country. Demonstration and public assembly has been banned. Scores of young and enterprising journalists, politicians and critics have been locked up.
some of Demonstrations slogan

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