Saturday, February 28, 2015

የወያኔ ሰላይ ከሆላንድ ተባረረ!

ሂሩት መለሰ – ከሮተርዳም
ሮተርዳም፣ ጥቅምት 28 ቀን 2015 – በስደት ስሙ አለማየሁ ስንታየው በመባል የሚታወቀው የህወሃት ሰላይ ከኔዘርላንድስ ተባረረ። አለማየሁ ስንታየሁ ቋሚ ነዋሪ ከነበረበት ከኔዘርላንድስ እንዲባረር የተደረገው በዚያ የሚኖሩ ኢትዮጵያውያን በከፈቱበት የስለላ ክስ መሆኑም ታውቋል።
TPLF spy in Netherlands
ከሆላንድ የተባረረው የወያኔ ሰላይ አለማየሁ ስንታየሁ (ሀለቀ ፎላ)
የሮተርዳም ከተማ ፍርድ ቤት በአለማየሁ ላይ የተመሰረተውን የስለላ ክስና ማስራጃ ለረጅም ጊዜ ሲመረምር ከቆየ በኋላ የግለሰቡ የመኖርያ ፈቃድ እና ቤት እንዲነጠቅ፣ የሆላንድን ምድርም በአስቸኳይ ለቆ እንዲወጣ ውሳኔ አስተላልፏል። ከሆላንድ የምመራ ቡድን እንደተረዳነው ከሆነ – የግለሰቡ ቤት ሲፈተሽ ወያኔ የሰጠው እውነተኛ መታወቂያ እና በርካታ የስለላ ሰነዶች ተገኝተውበታል። በእርዳታ ስም የተቋቋመለት ድርጅትም ተፈትሾ ማስረጃዎች እንደተገኙ ለማወቅ ተችሏል።
ይህ ሰው ትክክለኛ ስሙ ዘለቀ ፎላ ይባላል። በደርግ ጊዜ የኢትዮጵያ ሰራዊት አባል ሆኖ ለረጅም አመታት አገልግሏል። ወያኔ ስልጣን ሲቆጣጠር ለፖለቲካ ተሃድሶ አዋሳ ደቡብ ጦር ቅጥር ግቢ ተላከ። በተሃድሶ በነበረበት ጊዜ ቁጥራቸው ብዙ የሆኑ የሰራዊቱ አባላትን ለወያኔ በማጋለጥ ታማኝነቱን ሲያሳይ እንደነበር የዚህ ዜና ዘጋቢ እማኝ ነው። የበርካታ ኢትዮጵያውያን ደም በእጁ ያለው አለማየሁ ከተሃድሶው ከወጣ በኋላ እስራኤል ገደቡ (የፓልቶክ ስሙ ኢዛና) ከተባለ ወታደር ጋር በመሆን የሰላም ተጓዥ ነኝ ብሎ በመገናኛ ብዙሃን ሲታይ ነበር። አለማየሁ እና ኢዛና በየሃገሩ እየዞሩ ስለ አዲሱ ስርዓት መልካምነት ሲሰብኩ ከረሙ። ከዚያም አስመራ ድረስ ተልከው የሻእቢያውን መሪ ኢሳያስ አፈወርቂን በወታደሩ ስም ይቅርታ ጠይቀዋል።
TPLF spy in Netherlands
ከመሃል ያለው ኢዛና (እስራኤል ገደቡ) ለ’ኢንቨስትመንት” አዲስ አበበ ያለፈው ወር በሄደ ጊዜ
አለማየሁ እና ኢዛና ለወያኔ በሰሩት ውለታ ሆላንድ ገብተው እንዲቀሩ ተደረገ። ይህም የተደረገበት ምክንያት በአውሮፓ የሚኖሩ ኢዮጵያውያንን ተቃዋሚ በመምሰልና በረቀቀ መንገድ እንዲያበጣብጡና እንዲሰልሉ ነው።
በሆላንድ ሃገር የፖለቲካ ጥገኝነት ጠይቆ ለወያኔ ቡድን የስለላ ስራ መስራት ወንጀል ነው። አለማየሁ የሆላንድ ዜግነት ቢኖረው ኖሮ ቅጣቱ የከፋ ይሆን እንደነበር ጉዳዩን እየተከታተሉ ያሉ የህግ ባለሙያዎች ተናግረዋል።
የአለማየሁ መባረር በተሰማ ግዜ በሮተርዳም ያሉ የህወሃት ደጋፊዎች የአቤቱታ ደብዳቤ በመጻፍ ፊርማ ማሰባሰብ ቢጀምሩም ሊሳካላቸው አልቻለም። የአቤቱታ ደብዳቤው ግለሰቡ እዚህ የተወለዱ ሁለት ለጆቹን እየመጣ እንዲጎበኝ ይፈቀድለት የሚል ነበር።
አለማየሁ ስንታየሁ ለአንዴና ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ ከሆላንድ ተባረረ። ኢዛና ግን አሁን የተቃዋሚ ጭንብሉን አውልቆ በግልጽ ወያኔ መሆኑን መናገር ጀምሯል። ኢዛና የሆላንድ ዜግነት ቢኖረውም በሆላንድ ሃገር ስራ ሰርቶ አያውቅም። የቀንና ማታ ስራው በፓልቶክ ላይ ነው። ባለፈው ወር ኢትዮጵያ የተጓዙ ዲያስፖራ ኢንቨስተሮችን እየመራ በቴሌቭዥን መግለጫ ሲሰጥ አይተነዋል። ይህ ትርኢት የወያኔ ኢንቨስተሮች በጨበጣ እንደሚንቀሳቀሱም ያሳየናል።
ስለ አለማየሁ ስንታየሁ የበለጠ ለማወቅ ይህችን ሊንክ ይጫኑ፡

Friday, February 27, 2015

British support for Ethiopia scheme withdrawn amid abuse allegations

Department for International Development will no longer back $4.9bn project that critics claim has funded a brutal resettlement programme
E6T1GH Anuak Tribe Woman Cleaning The Ground In Abobo, The Former Anuak King Village, Gambela Region, Ethiopia

 An Anuak woman at work in Abobo, a village in Ethiopia’s Gambella region. It has been claimed that UK money has funded abuses against Anuak people in the area. Photograph: Alamy

The UK has ended its financial support for a controversial development project alleged to have helped the Ethiopian government fund a brutal resettlement programme. Hundreds of people have been forced from their land as a result of the scheme, while there have also been reports of torture, rape and beatings.
Until last month, Britain’s Department for International Development (DfID) was the primary funder of the promotion of basic services (PBS) programme, a $4.9bn (£3.2bn) project run by the World Bank and designed to boost education, health and water services in Ethiopia.
On Thursday, DfID said it had ended its PBS contributions because of Ethiopia’s “growing success”, adding that financial decisions of this nature were routinely made after considering a recipient country’s “commitment to partnership principles”.
It has been alleged that programme funds have been used to bankroll the Ethiopian government’s push to move 1.5 million rural families from their land to new “model” villages across the country.
Opponents of the commune development programme (CDP) say it has been characterised by violence. One Ethiopian farmer is taking legal action against the British government, claiming UK money has funded abuses against Anuak peoplein the Gambella region. The man, an Anuak known as Mr O, says he was beaten and witnessed rapes and assaults as government soldiers cleared people off their land. DfID has always insisted it does not fund Ethiopia’s commune development programme.
scathing draft report from the World Bank’s internal watchdog recently concluded that inadequate oversight, bad audit practices, and a failure to follow the bank’s own rules had allowed operational links to form between the PBS programme and the Ethiopian government’s resettlement scheme.
Although the bank’s inspection panel found that funds could have been diverted to implement villagisation, it did not look into whether the resettlement programme had involved human rights abuses, claiming such questions were outside its remit.
DfID, which has contributed nearly £745m of UK taxpayer money to the PBS programme, said the decision to withdraw financial support was prompted in part by Ethiopia’s “impressive progress” towards the millennium development goals.
“The UK will now evolve its approach by transitioning support towards economic development to help generate jobs, income and growth that will enable self-sufficiency and ultimately end poverty,” it said.
“This will go alongside additional funding for specific health, education and water programmes – where impressive results are already being delivered – resourced by ending support for the promotion of basic Services programme.”
A DfID spokesman said the move had nothing to do with Mr O’s ongoing legal action or the World Bank’s internal report, but added: “Changes to programmes are based on a number of factors including, but not limited to, country context, progress to date and commitment to partnership principles.”
The department said its overall financial commitment to Ethiopia, one of the largest recipients of UK aid, would remain unchanged, with almost £256m due to be spent between 2015 and 2016.
The Ethiopian government said DfID’s decision was not a matter of concern.
“They have been discussing it with pertinent government bodies,” said the communications minister, Redwan Hussien.
“What they said is that the aid that they’re giving will not be refused or stopped, it will be reorganised.”
The World Bank’s executive board met on Thursday to discuss the internal report on the PBS programme and the management response.
In a statement released on Friday, the bank said that although its inspection panel had concluded that the seizing of land and use of violence and intimidation were not consequences of PBS, it had determined that the programme “did not fully assess and mitigate the risks arising from the government’s implementation of CDP, particularly in the delivery of agricultural services to the Anuaks”.
The World Bank Group president, Jim Yong Kim, said that one of the institution’s core principles was to do no harm to the poor, adding: “In this case, while the inspection panel found no violations, it did point out areas where we could have done more to help the Anuak people. We draw important lessons from this case to better anticipate ways to protect the poor and be more effective in fighting poverty.”
Opponents of the villagisation process have been vocal in their criticisms of the bank’s role. Jessica Evans, senior international financial institutions researcher atHuman Rights Watch, said the inspection panel’s report showed the bank had “largely ignored human rights risks evident in its projects in Ethiopia” and highlighted “the perils of unaccountable budget support” in the country.
Source: theguardian

Ethiopia: Amnesty International Report 2014/15

Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Head of state: Mulatu Teshome Wirtu
Head of government: Hailemariam Desalegn
amnestyFreedom of expression continued to be subject to serious restrictions. The government was hostile to suggestions of dissent, and often made pre-emptive arrests to prevent dissent from manifesting. Independent media publications were subject to further attack. Peaceful protesters, journalists, and members of opposition political parties were arbitrarily arrested. The Charities and Societies Proclamation continued to obstruct the work of human rights organizations. Arbitrary detention and torture and other ill-treatment were widespread, often used as part of a system for silencing actual or suspected dissent.


Economic growth continued apace, along with significant foreign investment including in the agriculture, construction and manufacturing sectors, large-scale development projects such as hydroelectric dam building and plantations, and widespread land-leasing, often to foreign companies.
The government used multiple channels and methods to enforce political control on the population, including politicizing access to job and education opportunities and development assistance, and high levels of physical and technological surveillance.
The politicization of the investigative branch of the police and of the judiciary meant that it was not possible to receive a fair hearing in politically motivated trials.
Federal and regional security services were responsible for violations throughout the country, including arbitrary arrests, the use of excessive force, torture  and extrajudicial executions. They operated with near-total impunity.
Armed opposition groups remained in several parts of the country or in neighbouring countries, although in most cases with small numbers of fighters and low levels of activity.
Access to some parts of the Somali region continued to be severely restricted. There were continuing reports of serious violations of human rights, including arbitrary arrests and extrajudicial executions. There were also multiple allegations of the rape of women and girls by members of the security services.

Excessive use of force ‒ extrajudicial executions

In April and May, protests took place across Oromia region against a proposed “Integrated Master Plan” to expand the capital Addis Ababa into Oromia regional territory. The government said the plan would bring services to remote areas, but many Oromo people feared it would damage the interests of Oromo farmers and lead to large-scale displacement.
Security services, comprising federal police and military special forces, responded with excessive force, firing live ammunition at protesters in Ambo and Guder towns and Wallega and Madawalabu universities, resulting in the deaths of at least 30 people, including children. Hundreds of people were beaten by security service agents during and after the protests, including protesters, bystanders, and parents of protesters for failing to “control” their children, resulting in scores of injuries.
Thousands of people were arbitrarily arrested. Large numbers were detained without charge for several months, and some were held incommunicado. Hundreds were held in unofficial places of detention, including Senkele police training camp. Some detainees were transferred to Maikelawi federal police detention centre in Addis Ababa. Over 100 people continued to be detained in Kelem Wallega, Jimma and Ambo by security service agents after courts ordered their release on bail or unconditionally.
Many of those arrested were released after varying detention periods, between May and October, but others were denied bail, or remained in detention without charge. Others, including students and members of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) opposition political party, were prosecuted and convicted in rapid trials on various charges relating to the protests.

Freedom of expression, arbitrary arrests and detentions

2014 saw another onslaught on freedom of expression and suggestions of dissent, including further targeting of the independent media and arrests of opposition political party members and peaceful protesters. Several attempts by opposition political parties to stage demonstrations were obstructed by the authorities. The Anti-Terrorism Proclamation continued to be used to silence dissidents. Opposition party members were increasingly targeted ahead of the 2015 general election.
In late April, six bloggers of the Zone 9 collective and three independent journalists associated with the group were arrested in Addis Ababa, two days after the group announced the resumption of activities, which had been suspended due to significant harassment. For nearly three months, all nine were held in the underground section of Maikelawi, denied access to family members and other visitors, and with severely restricted access to lawyers.
In July, they were charged with terrorism offences, along with another Zone 9 member charged in their absence. The charge sheet cited among their alleged crimes the use of “Security in a Box” – a selection of open-source software and materials created to assist human rights defenders, particularly those working in repressive environments.
Six of the group said they were forced to sign confessions. Three complained in remand hearings that they had been tortured, but the court did not investigate their complaints. The trial continued at the end of 2014.
Early in 2014, a “study” conducted by the national Press Agency and Ethiopian News Agency and published in the government-run Addis Zemen newspaper targeted seven independent publications, alleging that they had printed several articles which “promoted terrorism”, denied economic growth, belittled the legacy of former Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, and committed other “transgressions”. In August, the government announced that it was bringing charges against several of the publications, causing over 20 journalists to flee the country. In October, the owners of three of the publications were sentenced in their absence to over three years’ imprisonment each for allegedly inciting the public to overthrow the government and publishing unfounded rumours.
The OFC opposition party reported that between 350 and 500 of its members were arrested between May and July, including party leadership. The arrests started in the context of the “Master Plan” protests, but continued for several months. Many of those arrested were detained arbitrarily and incommunicado. OFC members were among over 200 people arrested in Oromia in mid-September, and further party members were arrested in October.
On 8 July, Habtamu Ayalew and Daniel Shebeshi, of the Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ) Party, and Yeshewas Asefa of the Semayawi Party were arrested in Addis Ababa. Abraha Desta of the Arena Tigray Party, and a lecturer at Mekele University, was arrested in Tigray, and was transferred to Addis Ababa. They were detained in Maikelawi and initially denied access to lawyers and family. In late October, they were charged under the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation. Yeshewas Asefa complained in court that he had been tortured in detention.
The Semayawi Party reported numerous arrests of its members, including seven women arrested in March during a run to mark International Women’s Day in Addis Ababa, along with three men, also members of the party. They had been chanting slogans including “We need freedom! Free political prisoners!” They were released without charge after 10 days. In late April, 20 members of the party were arrested while promoting a demonstration in Addis Ababa. They were released after 11 days.
In early September, Befekadu Abebe and Getahun Beyene, party officials in Arba Minch city, were arrested along with three party members. Befekadu Abebe and Getahun Beyene were transferred to Maikelawi detention centre in Addis Ababa. In the initial stages of detention, they were reportedly denied access to lawyers and family members. In late October, party member Agbaw Setegn, was arrested in Gondar, and was also transferred to Maikelawi, and held incommunicado without access to lawyers or family.
On 27 October, editor Temesgen Desalegn was sentenced to three years’ imprisonment for “defamation” and “inciting the public through false rumours”, in the now-defunct publication Feteh, after a trial that had lasted more than two years. The publisher of Feteh was also convicted in their absence.
People were detained arbitrarily without charge for long periods in the initial stages, or throughout the duration, of their detention including numerous people arrested for peaceful opposition to the government or their imputed political opinion. Arbitrary detention took place in official and unofficial detention centres, including Maikelawi. Many detainees were held incommunicado, and many were denied access to lawyers and family members.
Numerous prisoners of conscience, imprisoned in previous years based solely on their peaceful exercise of their freedom of expression and opinion, including journalists and opposition political party members, remained in detention. These included some convicted in unfair trials, some whose trials continued, and some who continued to be detained without charge.
Access to detention centres for monitoring and documenting the treatment of detainees continued to be severely restricted.

Torture and other ill-treatment

Torture took place in local police stations, Maikelawi federal police station, federal and regional prisons and military camps.
Torture methods reported included: beating with sticks, rubber batons, gun butts and other objects; burning; tying in stress positions; electric shocks; and forced prolonged physical exercise. Some detention conditions amounted to torture, including detaining people underground without light, shackled and in prolonged solitary confinement.
Torture typically took place in the early stages of detention, in conjunction with the interrogation of the detainee. Torture was used to force detainees to confess, to sign incriminating evidence and to incriminate others. Those subjected to torture included prisoners of conscience, who were arrested for their perceived or actual expression of dissent.
Defendants in several trials complained in court that they were tortured or otherwise ill-treated in detention. The courts failed to order investigations into the complaints.
In several cases, prisoners of conscience were denied access to adequate medical care.

Oromia region

Ethnic Oromos continued to suffer many violations of human rights in efforts to suppress potential dissent in the region.
Large numbers of Oromo people continued to be arrested or remained in detention after arrests in previous years, based on their peaceful expression of dissent, or in numerous cases, based only on their suspected opposition to the government. Arrests were arbitrary, often made pre-emptively and without evidence of a crime. Many were detained without charge or trial, and large numbers were detained in unofficial places of detention, particularly in military camps throughout the region. There was no accountability for enforced disappearances or extrajudicial executions during 2014 or in previous years.
In the aftermath of the “Master Plan” protests, increased levels of arrests of actual or suspected dissenters continued. Large numbers of arrests were reported, including several hundred in early October in Hurumu and Yayu Woredas districts in Illubabor province, of high-school students, farmers and other residents.
There were further reports of arrests of students asking about the fate of their classmates arrested during the “Master Plan” protests, demanding their release and justice for those killed, including 27 reported to have been arrested in Wallega University in late November.

Refugees and asylum-seekers

Forcible returns

Ethiopian government agents were active in many countries, some of which cooperated with the Ethiopian authorities in forcibly returning people wanted by the government.
In January, two representatives of the rebel Ogaden National Liberation Front were abducted and forcibly returned to Ethiopia from Nairobi, Kenya. They were in Nairobi to participate in further peace talks between the group and the government.
On 23 June, UK national Andargachew Tsige, Secretary General of the outlawed Ginbot 7 movement, was rendered from Yemen to Ethiopia. On 8 July, a broadcast was aired on state-run ETV showing Tsige looking haggard and exhausted. By the end of the year, he was still detained incommunicado at an undisclosed location, with no access to lawyers or family. The UK government continued to be denied consular access, except for two meetings with the Ambassador, to one of which Andargachew Tsige was brought hooded, and they were not permitted to talk privately.
In March, former Gambella regional governor Okello Akway, who has Norwegian citizenship, was forcibly returned to Ethiopia from South Sudan. In June, he was charged with terrorism offences along with several other people, in connection with Gambella opposition movements in exile.
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List of names of ETV ( EBC) and Ethiopian radio journalists who are members of EPRDF.

የካቲት ፲፱(አስራ ዘጠኝ) ቀን ፳፻፯ / ኢሳት ዜና :-በመንግስት የመገናኛ ብዙሃን ውስጥ ተቀጥረው የሚሰሩ ጋዜጠኞች አብዛኞቹ የኢህአዴግ አባላት መሆናቸውን ኢሳት በደረሰው የአባላት ስም ዝርዝርና የስራ ድርሻ ሰነድ ለማረጋገጥ ችሎአል።
በቀድሞው ኢቲቪ በአዲሱ አጠራሩ ኢቢሲ እና በኢትዮጵያ ሬዲዮ  ስር የሚሰሩ ዳይሬክተሮች፣ የዜና አዘጋጆች፣ የወቅታዊ ዘገባ አቀናባሪዎች፣ የስፖርት ጋዜጠኞች የካሜራ ባለሙያዎች፣ ቴክኒሻኖችና የተለያዩ የድጋፍ ሰራተኞች የህወሃት፣ የብአዴን፣ ኢህዴድ ወይም የደህዴግ አባላት መሆናቸው በሰነዱ ላይ በዝርዝር ተቀምቷል። ጋዜጠኞቹ የኢህአዴግን ፖሊስ ለህዝብ ከማስተዋወቅ ጋር በተያያዘ በየጊዜው በተደራጁበት ህዋስ ስር ግምገማ እንደሚደረግባቸውና ከኤ እስከ የሚደርስ ውጤት እንደሚሰጣቸው ከሰነዱ ለመራዳት ይቻላል።
የመንግስት የመገናኛ ብዙሃን በህዝብ ንብረት የሚተዳዳሩ ቢሆንም፣ የአንድ ፓርቲ አገልጋይ ለመሆናቸው ከዚህ በላይ ማስረጃ እንደሌለ አስተያየታቸውን የሰጡን አንድ የሚዲያ ባለሙያ ተናግረዋል።
ጋዜጠኞች የኢህአዴግ አባላት የሚሆኑት ጥቅማቸውን አስበው እንጅ በድርጅቱ አምነውበት ላይሆን እንደሚችል፣ ከሚሰሩት ስራ መናገር ይቻላል የሚሉት አስተያየት ሰጪው፣ አብዛኞቹ አጋጣሚውን ሲያገኙ ወደ ውጭ ወጥተው መቅረታቸው አባልነቱ ለጥቅም መሆኑን ያረጋግጣል ብለዋል፡፡ በሌላ ዜና ደግሞ የመንግስት መስሪያ ቤቶች ህዳሴ የሚባለውን የኢህአዴግ አዲስ ልሳን ስፖንሰር እንዲያደርጉ እየታዘዙ ነው።
ኢሳት ከአዲስ አበባ ኢህአዴግ ኮሚቴ /ቤት በአስተዳደርና ፋይናንስ መምሪያ ኃላፊ / ቅድስት /ጊዮርጊስ ተፈርሞ በወጣ ደብዳቤ ላይ ለማረጋገጥ እንደቻለው፣  በሁለት ሳምንት አንድ ጊዜ ታትሞ የሚወጣው ህዳሴ የተሰኘው የኢህአዴግ የፖለቲካ ልሳን ጋዜጣ በስፖንሰር ሺፕ ሰበብ በመንግስት /ቤቶች ባጀት ወጪ እንዲታተም እየተደረገ ነው።

ከጽ/ቤቱ የካቲት 5 ቀን 2007 . 5 በላይ ለሚሆኑ የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ መስተዳደር /ቤቶች በአድራሻቸው ተጽፎ የተሰራጨው ደብዳቤ እንደሚያመለክተው እያንዳንዱ /ቤት ስፖንሰር ለማድረግ የተስማማበትን በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ አንድነት ቅርንጫፍ በአዲስ አበባ ኢህአዴግ ኮሚቴ /ቤት ስም ወደሚታወቀው ባንክ አካውንት ገቢ እንዲያደርጉ የሚያሳስብ ሲሆን ለአንድ ጊዜ ማሳተሚያ እስከ 300,000 ብር እንዲከፍሉ ታዘወዋል።

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Ethiopia shall overcome (by Yilma Bekele)

by Yilma Bekele
In May of 2005 the noble idea of bringing change by peaceful means died a violent death in Ethiopia. The Tigrai People Front declared in no uncertain terms power sharing is not part of the equation. They have proved it three times since then. What part of that do we have a problem accepting?Ethiopia shall overcome
The TPLF party does not just whisper. They shout so loud that the whole body shakes from the vibration caused by the violent, vile and wild savage scream.
That did not stop well-meaning and brave Ethiopians from trying to convince the mafia crowed to reconsider their ugly ways. Like a clock work the Tigrai Liberation Front in power strikes back in a savage manner. Every time it is something old, something new and something different. The intent is to scare, punish and humiliate. Ato Meles used to get a report on the condition of his prisoners including their diet. He mentioned it during one of his press conferences regarding the weight of Andenet’s Chairperson he has in prison. That is how sick the deprived mafia group are like.
The Tigrai Front has been busy this election season. First they created a clone of Andenet and banned the real Andenet. Andenet members joined Semayawi or Blue party in mass and continued their political activities. They refused to go home quiet.
The Tigrai liberation Front has a new answer to this dilemma. They denied the candidacy of Chairman Yelkal Getnet of Semayawi Party in his district. How did they do that? They created a lottery system to fill the allotted number of candidates for the seat. Of course his name was not drawn. A very simple solution backed by the courts, security apparatus and their very own custom made and drawn to fit Constitution.
Both Andenet and Semayawi Party are legally registered political parties and everything they do is above board and designed to win the hearts and minds of the Ethiopian people so they can vote them in to office. You cannot be more legal than that. Their conviction to take it to the limit despite the daily violence and constant threat to the individuals and their families is a testament to the conviction and strength of their character.
The Tigrai Liberation Front to no one’s surprise is finding itself boxed in. It is referred to as catch 22. It is the paradoxical situation our Woyane friends are caught in. They have to repress violently to stay in power but the violence creates more determined enemies necessitating more violence on their part that breeds focused and cunning enemies. Time is against the Front. Violence and repression is the only trick they got in their survival bag and it is not a lasting tool to stay in power. Ask Mengistu, ask Mubarak, ask Assad, they will tell you.
The question is what are the victims doing about this injustice? Right now we are witnessing different responses from those affected by this virus. There is Semayawi and Andenet parties that have been trying to play by the rules but are faced with a brick wall with barbed wire. They are constantly resetting their response. There is Ginbot7 which has merged with Patriotic front that has resolved to do what is necessary to achieve freedom and smash the wall. The combined forces of the two is harbinger of things to come. The battle can be fought on many fronts as the number of combatants’ increases.
We also have Medrek trying to climb two trees because they have two legs. They have been attempting to do that the last four years and the fact that it is not possible has not discouraged them. They have become Tigrai fronts loyal opposition allowed to give the show some needed color. Some of Medreks leaders have been at this job of serving the Front since 2005. Remember they are the ones spared of Kaliti after Ato Meles’s riot. God knows how they dare face the Ethiopian people but due to our culture and history constantly being degraded the concept of shame has disappeared from our vocabulary.
The Tigrai Liberation Front is not alone in this quest to dominate and perpetuate their form of ethnic based democracy. Twenty years have given them plenty of time to experiment with all sorts of formula to perfect their impossible dream of building an independent Tigrai, create a dynasty to leave something behind for their children or if all fails to leave a legacy of disintegrating Ethiopia branded as a failed state.
The Western enablers couldn’t care less if Tigrai Liberation Front survives or not. Their concern is having a stable but friendly Ethiopia and they would work with whoever emerges from this mess. Right now the notorious organization is the only one that is delivering the promise of stable and puppet on a leash Ethiopia.
More than the Western enablers it is the Ethiopians themselves that are scrambling over each other’s dead body to stand behind the ethnic regime. Inside the country those organized under the banner of EPDRF are the main foot soldiers of the Front. They furnish the human resource to make such criminality possible.
The Liberation Front masquerading as a government is not going to go away. On the other hand the longer it stays in power the harder it would be to recover from the disaster that is surely to follow its demise. If is not the question it is when we should worry about. The ethnic issue relentlessly fertilized by the Front is the most dangerous to handle.
Right now the situation in Ethiopia is quiet but smoldering. The Tigrai front is using all its resources to convince the captive population the sun would not rise in Ethiopia without them in power. The country is awash with both carrot and stick. The sacred ‘Dedebit’ has been put on display to show the sacrifice and heroism of the Woyane warriors. Such notable bloogers as Daniel Berhane have been taken on a friendly tour accompanied with ambulances to tell us about the historic site. We are instructed to be thankful.
The equality of kilils organized on ethnic basis and referred to as ‘Nation nationalities’ is of course a major accomplishment by our benefactor the Tigrai liberation Front and the poor grateful citizens are brought out for display. As usual something unexpected happened. An audio of the pep talk given was made available to the rest of us.
The speaker was Abay Tsehaye a founding member of TPLF (ሕዝባዊ ወያኔ ሓርነት ትግራይ) and a non-elected official with power. Abay is one of those Woyane that wield considerable power always from the back ground. He is Chairman of Commercial bank of Ethiopia, Minster of Federal affairs and board member of EFFORT among others. This notorious terrorist is the one that planed the destruction of Waldeba Monastery to grow sugar. His domain includes the Police force and Administration of Addis Abeba.
The leaked audio is a perfect example of what is wrong with Ethiopia and Ethiopians. This non-elected official was heard lecturing the Oromo puppets serving him to hurry up with the taking of land or else face the wrath of the Front. His language was harsh his tone was dismissive, and his threat left nothing to the imagination. When you consider OPDO the Oromo ethnic party to be equal to TPLF on paper this audio shows how disgraceful this unequal relationship has always been. Don’t worry the Amhara, Gambella, or Sidama puppets do not fare any better.
Semayawi and Andenet parties are evaluating their next move. Under the dire circumstances they are finding themselves in they are still doing all they could to live free or die trying. They might not achieve their goal but all of us are in awe of their conviction and we all go to bed praying for our God to give them strength. No one can say they died of a coward’s death. No one can say they sold their country and honor for power and money. No matter what happens today we all know that by standing up for what is right they have already won.
Patriotic Front and Ginbot7 have been preparing their forces. It takes time and patience to confront such a criminal regime that uses all resources to fight the last battle. Today we feel empowered to think there is a group that is ready to speak with Woyane in the language they know and understand. Some of us are very impatient. It is understandable. But it is always better to be cautious and prudent when facing such an enemy that feels cornered. They can afford to sacrifice hundreds of combatants for every one of our brave solders. Remember the war the waged with Eritrea. We lost over eighty thousand while Eritrea sacrificed just twenty thousand. That is how Woyane operates.
It would really help if the large force of the Diaspora could join this battle for liberation. It would be considered a game changer. It would lesson our sacrifice. Unfortunately Ethiopia’s children are not as they used to be. Their culture has been watered down so much they have turned into nomads. We have become ghosts of our past. Today we are supplied the best Teff while our people are starving, we receive ready-made Enset while it is a luxury item at home, the Berbere and Mitmita the Shuro and the raw coffee is the envy of every merchant in Ethiopia. Come to any city USA and you can see the stores overflowing with stolen products from our people.
The Diaspora makes Woyane possible. The Diaspora has become the outside Medrek. They both complain about the injustice of Woyane but both sit under the feet of Tigrai Liberation Front waiting for crumbs to fall. Abbay Tsehaye, Debre Tsion, Bereket Simon, Sebhat Nega all laugh at us and the Western enablers shake their head when they see such degradation and willing acceptance of servitude.
Here in the USA we celebrated the struggle of our African people for justice and equality that was waged fifty years back. I am sure plenty of Ethiopians stood tall and proud by the accomplishments of our African Diaspora led by martin Luther King and others. I ask you a question my dear reader what do you think the outcome would have been if MLK was preaching to Ethiopians? Do you think the Montgomery bus boycott would have succeeded? Do you think the march from Selma to Montgomery would be celebrated today?
The answer to both would be no. All you have to do is look at Ethiopian (Woyane) Airlines and see what boycott is all about. You just need to visit Ethiopian restaurants and see the meaning of boycott written all over the menu. Pure Injera, tasty Kocho from Sidama and Ethiopian Beer is our answer to boycott. Go ahead climb two trees because you have two legs like Medrek is doing, please continue condemning Woyane with a loud voice for all to hear but do not forget to build your condominium on stolen land. Rage all you want against ethnic politics but do not forget to shed crocodile tears for the disintegration of our mother land.
Today all our newspapers and web sites are full of the daily injustice committed by the enemy. Every news item you read is a reminder that we are powerless, leaderless and sinking fast as people and country. You see that and naturally conclude the might Woyane is bigger than life. Most Ethiopians let alone at home even in the Diaspora are scared stiff when thinking about Woyane. The fear they created has frozen our thinking and sapped our energy and made us feeble.
It is up to each one of us to get out of this defeatist mind set. Our news media should strive to empower us. There are so many good things our people are accomplishing to help each other under dire circumstances and that is what we should talk about. Pretty soon we will celebrate our own victories but shouldn’t we start preparing our mind to tackle the heavy work that is awaiting us when we smash the evil empire. That is how we help Semayawi and Andenet. That is how we encourage Patriotic Front Ginbot7 to hasten their preparations. We know we are going to win. Good always triumphs over evil and it is no different this time around. A Luta continua-the struggle continues.
Source; ecadforum

ምርጫ ለኢትዮጵያ ወታደርና ፓሊስ: – ለህወሓት ባርነት ወይስ ለኢትዮጵያ ነፃነት

pg7-logoየኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ለውትድርና ከፍተኛ ክብር አለው። ውትድርና ከሙያና ሥራ በላይ የነፃነትና የክብር መገለጫ፤ ሀገርን ከባዕድ ወረራ መከላከያ ጋሻ ነው ብሎ ያምናል። የኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ህግና ሥርዓት አክባሪ በመሆኑ ለፓሊስም ከፍተኛ አክብሮት አለው። የፓሊስ ሥራ ወንጀልን መከላከልና ወንጀለኞችን ወደ ፍርድ ማቅረብ መሆኑ በኢትዮጵያ ባህል የተከበረ ቦታና እውቅና አለው።
በህወሓት የአገዛዝ ዘመን ግን ይህ እየተቀየረ ነው። የህወሓት አዛዦች እየመሩት ያለው የኢትዮጵያ ጦር ሠራዊት ሀገርን ከባዕድ ጠላት ከመከላከል ጋር ምንም ዝምድና በሌላቸው ሁለት አበይት ተግባራት ላይ ተጠምዷል። በህወሓት አዛዦች የሚመራው ሠራዊት ዋነኛ ተግባር ለሰብዓዊ መብቶቻቸው መከበር እና ለፍትህ መስፈን የሚታገሉ ዜጎችን ማጥቃት ሆኗል። የጦሩ ሁለተኛው አቢይ ተግባር ደግሞ ለአዛዦች የግል ጥቅም ማካበቻ ገቢዎችን በሚያስገኙ ሥራ ላይ መሠማራት ነው።
የኢትዮጵያ የመከላከያ ሠራዊት ኢትዮጵያዊያንን ማጥቂያ ሠራዊት መሆኑ ሲቪሉን ሕዝብ ብቻ ሳይሆን የሠራዊቱንም አባላትን ጭምር ለህሊና ወቀሳ የዳረገ ጉዳይ ነው። ሆኖም ግን ይህ በህሊና ወቀሳ ብቻ ሊታለፍ የማይችል ወንጀል ነው። ሠራዊቱ በህወሓት እየታዘዘ የሚዘምተው በገዛ ራሱ ልጆች፣ እህቶች፣ ወንድሞችና ወላጆች፤ በገዛ ራሱ ጥቅሞች እና በገዛ ራሱ ላይ መሆኑ መገንዘብ ይኖርበታል። በገዛ ራሱ ጥቅሞች ላይ የሚዘምት አንድም ህሊና የሌለው አሊያም ነፃነት የተነፈገው ሰው ብቻ ነው። በሌላ በኩል ደግሞ ሠራዊቱ እየተራበና እየታረዘ አለቆቹ የታላላቅ ህንፃዎች ባለቤቶች፣ ባለፋብሪካዎች፣ የባንክና የኢንሹራንስ ኩባንያዎች ባለአክሲኖች የሚሆኑበት ሥርዓት ከዳር ሆኖ የሚመለከት መሆኑ የሚገርም ነው። ሠራዊቱ ቤተሰቦቹን መመገብ አቅቶት እያለ የአዛዦቹ ልጆች ለሽርሽር ዓለምን ይዞራሉ። እንዴት ነው ሠራዊቱ እየደኸየና እየሞተ አዛዦቹ እየከበሩ የሚሄዱት? ይህ አዋራጅ ሁኔታ እንዲያበቃ መታገል የሠራዊቱ ግንባር ቀደም ኃላፊነት ነው። ሠራዊቱ ወይ ባርነትን አሜን ብሎ መቀበል አለበት አለበዚያም እሱም እንደነሱ ሰው መሆኑን ማሳየት መቻል አለበት። በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ የህወሓት አገዛዝ ወድቆ የሕዝብ ይሁንታ ያገኘ መንግሥት መመሥረቱ በከፍተኛ ሁኔታ ከሚጠቅማቸው የኅብረተብ ክፍሎች ግንባር ቀደሙ የመከላከያ ሠራዊት አባላት ናቸው። በዚህም ምክንያት የሠራዊቱ አባላት ለሥርዓቱ መውደቅ በግልጽም በስውርም መታገል የዜግነት ብቻ ሳይሆን አዕምሮ ያለው ሰው ሆነው በመፈጠራቸው የተቀበሉት ግዴታ ነው።
ፓሊስን በተመለከተም ሁኔታው ተመሳሳይ ነው። ህወሓት የኢትዮጵያን ሕዝብ አፍኖ ለመግዛት የቻለው በዋኛነት የፓሊስን ኃይል ለአፈናው ተግባር የሚጠቀም በመሆኑ ነው። የተቃውሞ ድምጾች በተሰሙ ቁጥር የኢትዮጵያ ፓሊስ በወገኖቹ ላይ የሚያወርደው ዱላ የሚዘገንን ሆኗል። ሰላማዊ ሰልፈኞችን በጥይት መግደልና ማቁሰል፤ አረጋዊያንን፣ ሴቶችንና ሕፃናትን መግደል፣ ማቁሰል፣ መደብደብ በዚህ ተግባር የተሠማሩ ፓሊሶችን በቡድንም በግልም በህግ የሚያስጠይቅ ከባድ ወንጀል ነው። በህወሃት እየተመራ ያለው የኢትዮጵያ ፓሊስ ተግባራት ተበዳዮችን ብቻ ሳይሆን ራሱ ፓሊስንም ጭምር አንገት የሚያስደፋ ተግባር ነው። ለመሆኑ አንድ ተራ የኢትዮጵያ ፓሊስ ባልደረባ ከህወሓት አገዛዝ ምን ተጠቀመ? መልሱ “ምንም” የሚል ነው። ይልቁንስ በህወሓት የአገዛዝ ዘመን ፓሊስ የተናቀና የተዋረደ ሥራ ሆነ። በህወሓት አገዛዝ ፓሊስ እንደሰለጠነ አዳኝ ውሻ “ያዝ” ሲሉት የሚነክስ፣ የሚያደማ፣ የሚቦጭቅ ሆኗል። ይህ ለፓሊስ፣ ወንጀልም ውርደትም ነው። በህወሓት አገዛዝ መገርሰስ እና በምትኩ የህግ የበላይነት የሰፈነበት ሥርዓት መስፈን ፓሊስ ከሁሉ በላይ ተጠቃሚ ነው፤ ሰብዓዊ ክብሩን ያረጋግጥለታልና።
ዛሬ በኢትዮጵያችን ውስጥ የታዘዙትን የሚፈጽሙ የጦርና የፓሊስ ሠራዊት አባላት ስላሉ ነው የህወሓት ሹማምንት ልባቸው ያበጠው። ለማስረጃ ያህል ሰሞኑን የህወሓቱ ሹም አባይ ፀሐዬ የአዲስ አበባ ዙሪያ ገበሬዎች በግዴታ መነሳታቸው የሚቃወሙትን ዜጎችን ሁሉ ”ልክ እናስገባቸዋለን” ብሎ በሸንጎ የዛተው የታዘዘውን የሚፈጽም የጦርና የፓሊስ ሠራዊት መኖሩን ተማምኖ ነው። እስከ መቼ የኢትዮጵያ ጦር ሠራዊትና ፓሊስ ሕዝብን ማስፈራሪያ መሣሪያ ይሆናል?
አርበኞች ግንቦት 7: የአንድነትና ዲሞክራሲ ንቅናቄ የኢትዮጵያ የመከላከያና የፓሊስ ሠራዊት አባላት ለራሳቸው እና ለወገናቸው የሚበጀው ሥርዓት የቱ እንደሆነ ያውቃሉ ብሎ ያምናል። በዚህም ምክንያት ስብዕናቸውን እያዋረደ እና እያደኸያቸው ያለውን የህወሓት አገዛዝን ከኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ጋር በመሆን ይፋለሙታል ብሎ ያምናል። ይህ ውሳኔ ግን ሠራዊቱ በጅምላ ሳይሆን እያንዳንዱ የሠራዊቱ አባል በግሉ የሚወስደው ውሳኔ እንደሆነ አርበኞች ግንቦት 7 ይገነዘባል።
በዚህም መሠረት ተደጋጋሚ ጥሪ እየተደረገለት፤ ጥሪውንም እየሰማ ከህወሓት ጋር ወግኖ ሕዝብን መውጋት የቀጠለ የሠራዊቱ አባል ላደረሰው ጥፋት በግል መጠየቁ የማይቀር መሆኑ ሊገነዘብ ይገባል። በእያንዳንዳንዱ የጦርና ፓሊስ ሠራዊት ባልደረባ ፊት የቀረበው ምርጫ “ለህወሓት ባርነት ታድራለህ ወይስ ራስህንና ሀገርን ነፃ ታወጣለህ” የሚል ነው።
ራስህንና ሀገርህን ነፃ ለማውጣት የመረጥክ የሠራዊቱና የፓሊስ ባልደረባ አሁኑኑ ሕዝባዊ ትግሉን ተቀላቀል። እስከዛሬ የበደልከውን ሕዝብ ለመካስ ምቹ ሁኔታ አለህ። በግልጽ የነፃነት ኃይሎችን እንድትቀላቀል፤ አሊያም አለህበት ሆነህ በውስጥ አርበኝነት እንድትደራጅና ተግባራዊ ሥራ እንድትጀምር መንገዱ ተመቻችቶልሃል።
ድል ለኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ!!!

አብዛኞቹ የመንግሰት ጋዜጠኞች የኢህአዴግ አባላት መሆናቸውን መረጃዎች አመለከቱ

የካቲት ፲፱(አስራ ዘጠኝ) ቀን ፳፻፯ ዓ/ም ኢሳት ዜና :-በመንግስት የመገናኛ ብዙሃን ውስጥ ተቀጥረው የሚሰሩ ጋዜጠኞች አብዛኞቹ የኢህአዴግ አባላት መሆናቸውን ኢሳት በደረሰው የአባላት ስም ዝርዝርና የስራ ድርሻ ሰነድ ለማረጋገጥ ችሎአል።
በቀድሞው ኢቲቪ በአዲሱ አጠራሩ ኢቢሲ እና በኢትዮጵያ ሬዲዮ ስር የሚሰሩ ዳይሬክተሮች፣ የዜና አዘጋጆች፣ የወቅታዊ ዘገባ አቀናባሪዎች፣ የስፖርት ጋዜጠኞች ፣ የካሜራ ባለሙያዎች፣ ቴክኒሻኖችና የተለያዩ የድጋፍ ሰራተኞች የህወሃት፣ የብአዴን፣ ኢህዴድ ወይም የደህዴግ አባላት መሆናቸው በሰነዱ ላይ በዝርዝር ተቀምቷል። ጋዜጠኞቹ የኢህአዴግን ፖሊስ ለህዝብ ከማስተዋወቅ ጋር በተያያዘ በየጊዜው በተደራጁበት ህዋስ ስር ግምገማ እንደሚደረግባቸውና ከኤ እስከ ዲ የሚደርስ ውጤት እንደሚሰጣቸው ከሰነዱ ለመራዳት ይቻላል።
የመንግስት የመገናኛ ብዙሃን በህዝብ ንብረት የሚተዳዳሩ ቢሆንም፣ የአንድ ፓርቲ አገልጋይ ለመሆናቸው ከዚህ በላይ ማስረጃ እንደሌለ አስተያየታቸውን የሰጡን አንድ የሚዲያ ባለሙያ ተናግረዋል።
ጋዜጠኞች የኢህአዴግ አባላት የሚሆኑት ጥቅማቸውን አስበው እንጅ በድርጅቱ አምነውበት ላይሆን እንደሚችል፣ ከሚሰሩት ስራ መናገር ይቻላል የሚሉት አስተያየት ሰጪው፣ አብዛኞቹ አጋጣሚውን ሲያገኙ ወደ ውጭ ወጥተው መቅረታቸው አባልነቱ ለጥቅም መሆኑን ያረጋግጣል ብለዋል፡፡ በሌላ ዜና ደግሞ የመንግስት መስሪያ ቤቶች ህዳሴ የሚባለውን የኢህአዴግ አዲስ ልሳን ስፖንሰር እንዲያደርጉ እየታዘዙ ነው።
ኢሳት ከአዲስ አበባ ኢህአዴግ ኮሚቴ ጽ/ቤት በአስተዳደርና ፋይናንስ መምሪያ ኃላፊ ወ/ሮ ቅድስት ወ/ጊዮርጊስ ተፈርሞ በወጣ ደብዳቤ ላይ ለማረጋገጥ እንደቻለው፣ በሁለት ሳምንት አንድ ጊዜ ታትሞ የሚወጣው ህዳሴ የተሰኘው የኢህአዴግ የፖለቲካ ልሳን ጋዜጣ በስፖንሰር ሺፕ ሰበብ በመንግስት መ/ቤቶች ባጀት ወጪ እንዲታተም እየተደረገ ነው።
ከጽ/ቤቱ የካቲት 5 ቀን 2007 ዓ.ም ከ5 በላይ ለሚሆኑ የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ መስተዳደር መ/ቤቶች በአድራሻቸው ተጽፎ የተሰራጨው ደብዳቤ እንደሚያመለክተው እያንዳንዱ መ/ቤት ስፖንሰር ለማድረግ የተስማማበትን በኢትዮጵያ ንግድ ባንክ አንድነት ቅርንጫፍ በአዲስ አበባ ኢህአዴግ ኮሚቴ ጽ/ቤት ስም ወደሚታወቀው ባንክ አካውንት ገቢ እንዲያደርጉ የሚያሳስብ ሲሆን ለአንድ ጊዜ ማሳተሚያ እስከ 300,000 ብር እንዲከፍሉ ታዘወዋል።

የሰማያዊና የቀድሞው የአንድነት ድጋፍ ማህበራት አብረው ለመስራት ወሰኑ

በሰሜን አሜሪካ የሚገኙት የሰማያዊና የአንድነት ማህበራት ኮሚቴ አቋቁመው በጋራ ለመስራት መወሰናቸውን ለነገረ ኢትዮጰያ በላኩት መግለጫ አሳወቁ፡፡ ማህበራቱ ዛሬ የካቲት 19 2007 ዓ/ም በጋራ ባወጡት መግለጫ ገዥው ፓርቲ ፓርቲያቸውን ያፈረሰባቸው የአንድነት አባላት ሰማያዊ ፓርቲን መቀላቀላቸውን አድንቀው ‹‹ይህ ዓይነቱ የአባላት ቆራጥ ውሣኔ ሊበረታታና ሞራል ሊሰጠው የሚገባ ነው ብለን እናምናለን፡፡ እኛም በሰሜን አሜሪካ የምንገኝ የሁለቱ የድጋፍ ማህበራት ሙሉ በሙሉ ድጋፋችንን እንደምንሰጥ እናረጋግጣለን፡፡›› ብለዋል፡፡
‹‹በሰሜን አሜሪካ የምንገኝ የአንድነትና የሠማያዊ የድጋፍ ማህበራት በጋራ በኮሜቴ ደረጃ ተዋቅረን በዋና ዋና ጉዳዬች ላይ ማለትም በፋይናንስ፤ በእስረኞች ጉዳይ እና በዲኘሎማሲው ዙሪያ ሙሉ በሙሉ በትብብር አብረን እየሠራን የሰማያዊ ፓርቲንና ሌሎች በሃገር ውስጥ የሚንቀሳቀሱ ሃይሎችን በጋራ ድጋፍ ለመስጠት ውሣኔ አሣልፈናል፡፡›› ያለው መግለጫው በቀጣይም በጋራ ኮሚቴ በኩል ውይይቶችን እያደረገ ለሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የሚያስፈልጉ የሞራልና የማቴሪያል ርዳታ እንደሚሰጥ ገልጾአል፡፡ የጋራ ኮሚቴው በመግለጫው አገር ቤት ያለው የሰላማዊ ትግል ሊበረታታ ይገባዋል ብሏል