Sunday, July 6, 2014

Andargachew Tsige is detained at a nondescript house in the Old Airport area of Addis Ababa

Postby elias 

The kidnapped senior Ethiopian opposition leader Andargachew Tsige is currently being held at a nondescript house in the Old Airport area of Addis Ababa, according to Ethiopian Review sources. 

Ato Andargachew, who was traveling on a British passport, had been abducted by Yemeni secret police and Woyanne agents at Sana'a International Airport on June 22, 2014, while en route to Asmara. He was then taken to Ethiopia a couple of days later. 

However, the Woyanne junta spokesperson told VOA yesterday that Andargachew is not in Ethiopia and does not know his whereabouts, in an apparent attempt to avoid requests from the British government and the Red Cross to visit him. The British officials would discover that Andargachew has been savagely tortured by Getachew Assefa and his secret police. 

Following Andargachew's abduction, for the next two days his Gmail and Skype were showing online, indicating that the Woyanne agents were in control of his laptop and having access to his soon after he was detained.

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