Thursday, March 20, 2014

Poisoned and thrown out of the jail Ogaden

Poisoned and thrown out of the jail Ogaden

A report I am receiving now from Jigjigga (The headquarter of the puppet administration installed by Tigrean regime in Addis Ababa) is confirming that Mr. Siyad Omar Odowa died in the jail Ogaden yesterday after being poisoned by the merciless security elements who are trained for torturing and abusing prisoners in the jail Ogaden. According to the relatives of Mr. Odowa whom I contacted today, Mr. Siyad was murdered in coldblooded. “He was poisoned and thrown out of the jail like garbage” one angry relative said. Another relative told me that there was no doubt that he was poisoned because she said three days before his death, Mr.Odowa was fine and healthy. According to eyewitnesses, around 0430pm on March 16, 2014, Odowa’s body was handed over to his relatives at the outside of the jail Ogaden without any explanation whatsoever about the cause of his death. In addition to that, the management of the prison advised the relatives against taking the body to the hospital and they urged them to bury him immediately. The relatives of Mr. Odowa smelled a rat.  They felt that the prison management was hiding something in accordance with their suspicious advice. They were afraid that Mr. Odowa’s body would be taken to the hospital for autopsy so that his cause of death would be known by his family. Therefore, to cover up their crimes they ordered Siyad’s family to bury him as soon as possible.

Mr. Siyad was well known in Dhagahbur, and he was a carpenter who made his living in constructing houses. 4 years ago Siyad was accused of being an ONLF sympathizer and he brought to a kangaroo court where he was sentenced to two years of imprisonment. As his family mentioned to me, he was given a releasing paper two years, which says he should be released immediately, but that releasing order never materialized. Mr. Odowa left behind wife and 8 children.

Three weeks before Siyad was poisoned, his first cousin Ahmed Abdi Odowa died because of severe torture and malnutrition. Mr, Abdi’s incarceration was also fabricated against him by Ethiopian soldiers and their associates. Abdi was serving for a long sentence when he died in the prison due to constant physical punishment and starvation. It seems that the Ethiopian brutality against the civilian population in Ogaden has reached unprecedented level. The woyane generals and their puppet individuals in Ogaden are now trying to eradicate the Somali Ogaden population as a whole through poisoning, mass murdering, intentional starvation and daylight lynching. Now poisoning is the latest technique of choice by colonial security forces to wipe out the Somali Ogaden people from the map.

Anyone who needs proof of whether Ethiopian regime is poisoning the Somali Ogaden people or not should call jigjigga and ask the condition of prisoners who were released from jail Ogaden few weeks ago. As some of you may have heard, first few days more than 15 of those released prisoners lost their lives and many more may soon perish because these people were consisted of bed-ridden individuals, severely tortured ones as well as intentionally starved ones.

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