Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Press statement on Patriots-Gonbot 7 Movement for Unity and Democracy discussion and fund raising event on June 4, 2016 in Oslo, Norway.

We are very pleased to announce this grand event and cordially invite all Ethiopians and friends of Ethiopia to it. The purpose of the event is to hold discussions on the current status of the struggle the Patriots-Ginbot 7 movement is carrying out and raise funds to support and strengthen it. Our struggle for democracy,freedom social justice and unity in Ethiopia has been gaining momentum and has now reached its critical stage. It is clear to all of us that the struggle to get rid of the anti-democratic, fascistic and repressive rule of the Tigray People`s Liberation Front ( TPLF) and pave the way for a genuinely democratic political system needs the active participation and united actions of all citizens. Therefore, cognizant of the need for a broader mobilization, and massive participation in the struggle, the Patriots-Ginbot7 movement as it has always been doing, calls on all Ethiopians to discharge their national duties through taking direct part in the struggle  or contribute and support it in all the ways they prefer and with the means at their disposal. Therefore, it is our firm belief that to be a bystander at this critical moment in the struggle is tantamount to rendering tacit support to the dictatorial and fascist rule of the TPLF and failure to shoulder national responsibility.


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