Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Ethiopia’s government media continues fooling people with fake pictures.

Since recently, social media activists have revealed tenths of fake pictures used in the news outlets of government media.
Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC), Fana Broadcasting Corporation (FBC), Ethiopian News Agency and government communications were some of the media caught red handed using pictures that are taken in the foreign countries to show the development of Ethiopia.
Obviously for political reasons government wants to tell people that it is constructing dams, roads and electric stations which are not on the ground but pictures of different countries are here to convince the audience.
Today, in the same phenomena, Ethiopian News Agency caught red handed using a picture that illustrate Moroccan professor who strive to advance livestock in his country. But Ethiopian News Agency used the livestock picture as it was in Ethiopian Southern part benefiting farmers. Here is the link for the original story. http://www.chicamod.com/2015/06/08/livestock-antibiotics-food-natural-remedy/
The Ethiopian News Agency’s fake news link is here. http://www.ena.gov.et/index.php/economy/item/2947-2016-04-03-14-05-10

 የተለያዩ በሀሰት ዜናዎች ህብረተሰቡን መደለል የለመዱት የመንግስት መገናኛ ብዙሀን ዛሬም እንደገና አስፋሪ ተግባራቸው ተጋለጠ። በሀገር ውስጥ ያልተሰራን ነገር ተሰራ እያሉ የውጭ ሀገራትን ፎቶ ግራፎችና ቪዲዮዎች በመጠቀም የፕሮፖጋንዳ ዜናዎችን ቀንና ማታ የሚፈበርኩት እንዚሁ ሚዲያዎች ፈጽሞ ከማህበራዊ ድረ ገጾች እውነታ ሊያመልጡ አልቻሉም። የኢትዮጵያ ዜና አገልግሎት ከወራት በፊት በሞሮኮዋዊ ፕሮፌሰር የተሰራ የዜና ዘገባን በሀገር ውስጥ እንደሆነ በማስመሰል የደለቡ ከብቶችን ፎቶ በመስረቅ ደቡብ ክልል ውስጥ ገበሬዎች በከብት እርባታ ህይወታቸው ተለወጠ በማለት የሀሰት ዜና መጠቀሚያ አድርገውት ተይዘዋል።

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