Thursday, December 15, 2016

Ethiopia’s move to block social media, news sites illegal: report

Demonstrators chant slogans while flashing the Oromo protest gesture during Irreecha, the thanksgiving festival of the Oromo people, in Bishoftu town, Oromia on October 2, 2016 (Reuters/Tiksa Negeri Photo)

By Tesfa-Alem Tekle
December 14, 2016 (ADDIS ABABA) – A new report says Ethiopia’s move to block social media and news websites during months long deadly protests was illegal.
Research conducted by Amnesty International and the Open Observatory of Network Interference shows that between June and October this year during times of heightened tension and protests, access to WhatsApp and at least 16 news outlets was blocked, especially in the Oromia region.
“The internet blocking had no basis in law, and was another disproportionate and excessive response to the protests. This raises serious concerns that overly broad censorship will become institutionalized under the state of emergency.” Said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty International’s Deputy Director for East Africa, the Horn and Great Lakes.
“It’s clear that as far as the Ethiopian government is concerned, social media is a tool for extremists peddling bigotry and hate and therefore they are fully justified in blocking internet access. The reality, though, is very different. The widespread censorship has closed another space for Ethiopian’s to air the grievances that fueled the protests.”
The research also found "systematic interference" with access to political opposition sites and ones supporting freedom of expression and gay rights.
Since last year, the horn of African nation has faced an unprecedented wave of violent protests that claimed the lives of over 500 people.
But the country’s most recent protests were sparked after a religious festival in Oromia region turned into violet anti-government protests claiming lives of 55 in stampede.
In October, Addis Ababa has declared a six-month state of emergency giving the authorities the power to arrest anyone without court authorization and impose curfews.
The new report said the Ethiopian government is systematically and illegally blocking access to social media and news websites to deliberately crush dissent and prevent critical reporting.
Ethiopian authorities have admitted arresting over 11,000 people after the state emergency was imposed.
Protests among the Oromo, Ethiopia’s biggest ethnic group initially sparked over territorial rights but later turned into more political, wider freedoms and economic rights.
Protesters of Oromos and Amhara which is the country’s second largest ethnic group are discontented that the ruling coalition is dominated by the Tigray minority group and demand a more inclusive power sharing.
Opposition parties have failed to secure a single parliamentary seat during the past election.
A government official has dismissed the new report as “one-sided, not credible and baseless”
"There is no internet blackout in Ethiopia," government deputy spokesman Mohammed Seid told The Associated Press.
“What we have is a certain obstruction on mobile data services. It will be resolved very soon”
However previously a number of government officials have admitted access to internet and social medias were blocked in a bid to arrest the violence which was expanding to many parts of the country.
Access to internet services have been widely affected since early October in larger parts of the country including in the Capital, which a seat to the African Union (AU) and international organizations.
Last week the government has partially lifted ban on social media and mobile data.

 Sudan Tribune


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) -- Human rights groups are asking Ethiopia's government to immediately disclose the whereabouts of a popular local journalist who has been behind bars since October 2014.

The Association for Human Rights in Ethiopia and DefendDefenders on Wednesday called it "unacceptable" that the government was unwilling or unable to provide Temesgen Desalegn's relatives with information after two years of detention.
The groups say Temesgen was jailed on "spurious charges." The journalist is serving a three-year sentence on charges of defamation, incitement and false publication.
The public relations head of the Ethiopian Federal Prison Administration, Gizachew Mengiste, tells The Associated Press he has no information about Temesgen's whereabouts
Ethiopia declared a state of emergency in October amid massive anti-government protests, leading to the arrest of at least two journalists.

The Associated Press

Briton on Ethiopia death row two years without family phone call

By agency reporter

A British man on death row in Ethiopia has gone two years without a phone call to his family in London.Andargachew ‘Andy’ Tsege last spoke to his partner and three children on 14 December 2014.
His family say that the rare phone call came out of the blue and lasted only a few minutes.Since then, guards at Kality prison, which has been dubbed ‘Ethiopia’s Gulag’, have heavily restricted Mr Tsege’s contact with the outside world.
He is held under an unlawful sentence of death in Ethiopia, after he was kidnapped and rendered to the country in 2014.Mr Tsege is a well-known critic of the Ethiopian ruling party, and he was sentenced to death in absentia in 2009 while he was living in London.
The Foreign Office recently lost consular contact with him for a fortnight, amid reports that he was "in fear for his life.".(
Foreign Office minister Tobias Ellwood told Parliament last month that, “As part of our ongoing consular support to Mr Tsege, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office has made representations to the Ethiopian Government requesting that he be given access to a telephone.”
Mr Tsege requested a phone call with his family at his last consular visit over a month ago. However, since then he has not been able to make a call.
On the last visit by British Embassy staff to the jail, he asked the FCO to “Pass my love and tell them I am thinking of them always.”
British MPs are due to debate Mr Tsege’s case in Parliament on Tuesday, 20 December.
Maya Foa, a director of Reprieve, said: “Andy Tsege has had no contact with his family in the UK for over two years. Having been kidnapped from an international airport and rendered to Ethiopia’s Gulag in June of 2014, Andy has languished on death row ever since. Andy’s nine-year-old twins are facing another Christmas without their father at home. It is shocking that the British and Ethiopian governments cannot organise something as basic as regular phone calls for Andy’s family.”

የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት የኢንተርኔት የስለላ ተግባርን ለማከናወን የሚረዳ ቴክኖሎጂን እየተጠቀመ እንደሚገኝ ተገለጸ

የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ዲፕ ፓኬት ኢንስፔክሽን (Deep Packet Inspection) የተሰኘና የኢንተርኔት የስለላ ተግባርን ለማከናወን የሚረዳ ቴክኖሎጂን እየተጠቀመ እንደሚገኝ ተገለጸ።
ቴክኖሎጂው በህጋዊ መንገድ የደህንነት ተያያዥ ስራዎችን ለማከናወን በተለያዩ አለም አቀፍ ኩባንያዎች በመቅረብ ላይ ቢሆንም፣ እንደ ኢትዮጵያ ያሉ ሃገራት አገልግሎቱን እየገዙ ለኢንተርኔት የስለላና ቁጥጥር ስር በማዋል መሆናቸውን አምነስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል መረጃዎችን ዋቢ በማድረግ ይፋ አድርጓል። 
ቴክኖሎጂውን ለስለላ ተግባር እየተጠቀመ የሚገኘው የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ለህዝብ የታገዱ ድረ-ገጾችን ለመከታተል እንዲሁም የኢንተርኔት አገልግሎት ተጠቃሚዎች በኢሜይልና በቀጥታ የመልዕክት (ቻት) ልውውጥ የሚያደርጉትን መረጃ ለመከታተል ማዋሉን የሰብዓዊ መብት ተሟጋች ድርጅቱ አስታውቋል።
የቴክኖሎጂውን አገልግሎት ያለው ፍላጎት መጨመርን ተከትሎ የዚሁ ዘመናዊ ቴክኖሎጂ የገበያ ድርሻ በቀጣዮቹ ሶስት አመታት ውስጥ ወደ 5 ቢሊዮን ዶላር እንደሚደርስ መረጃዎች ያመለክታሉ።
ይኸው ዲፕ ፓኬት ኢንስፔክሽን የተሰኘው የቴክኖሎጂ አገልግሎት በተለይ በሞባይል የእጅ ስልኮች ላይ ያሉ መረጃዎችን በቀላሉ መንገድ ለመከታተልና ለመቆጣጠር እንደሚረዳ በጉዳዩ ዙሪያ ከተጻፉ መረጃዎች ለመረዳት ተችሏል።
አምነስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል ኢትዮጵያ እያደረገች ያለውን የኢንተርኔት አፈናና ቁጥጥር ለመረዳት ኦፕን ኦብዘርባቶሪ ኦፍ ኔት ዎርክ ከተሰኘ ኩባንያ ጋር አምስት ወር የፈጀ ጥናት ማካሄዱን አፍሪካ ኒውስ መጽሄት ሃሙስ ዘግቧል።
የጥናቱ ግኝት ሰሞኑን ይፋ ያደረገው የሰብዓዊ መብት ተሟጋች ድርጅቱ ኢትዮጵያ በሃገሪቱ የተቀሰቀሰን ህዝባዊ ተቃውሞ ለመቆጣጠር ሲል 16 ድረገጾችን ዝግ አድርጎ መቆየቱን አስታውቋል።
ድርጊቱ ህጋዊ መሰረት እንደሌለው የሚገልጸው አምነስቲ ኢንተርናሽናል መንግስት አገልግሎቱን ከሟቋረጥ ይልቅ ከህዝቡ ለተነሱ ጥያቄዎች ምላሽ ቢሰጥ የተሻለ እንደሚሆን ገልጿል።
በኢትዮጵያ የስልክ መሰረተ ልማት በማስፋፋት ላይ የሚገኘው ህአዌ ቴክኖሎጂን ጨምሮ ኖኪያ፣ አልካቴል፣ ኤሪክሰን እና ሲስኮም ሲስተም የተሰኙ 19 የቴክኖሎጂ ኩባንያዎች የዲፕ ፓኬት እንስፔክሽን አቅራቢዎች መሆናቸውን ለመረዳት ተችሏል።
የቻይናው ሁአዌ ቴክኖሎጂ ከጥቂት ከጥቂት አመታት በፊት የራሱን ብድር በማቅረብ በኢትዮጵያ ከሁለት ቢሊዮን ዶላር የሚፈጀው የስልክ መሰረተ ልማት ለማካሄድ ከመንግስት ጋር ስምምነት መፈጸሙ ይታወሳል።
ከአንድ አመት በፊት ገዢው የኢህአዴግ መንግስት ከአንድ የጣሊያን ቴክኖሎጂ ኩባንያ ጋር አንድ ሚሊዮን ዩሮ የሚበልጥ ስምምነት በመፈጸም የኢንተርኔት ቁሳቁስ ሲገዛ መቆየቱ መጋለጡ ዋሽንግተን ፖስት ጋዜጣና ሌሎች አለም አቀፍ መገናኛ ብዙርሃን ሰፊ ስፋን ሲሰጡ ቆይተዋል።
የዚሁ የስለላ ተግባር ተጎጂ የሆነ አንድ ትውልደ ኢትዩጵያዊ አሜሪካዊ በኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ላይ ክስን አቅርቡ ጉዳዩ በሂደት ላይ መሆኑም ታውቋል።


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Ethiopia: Social media and news websites blocked by government to prevent protests

  • Google transparency report shows dramatic drop in internet traffic out of Ethiopia on two days when at least 100 people were killed by security forces during protest
  • 16 news sites and access to WhatsApp blocked between June and October

“As far as the Ethiopian government is concerned, social media is a tool for extremists... The reality, though, is very different” – Michelle Kagari

The Ethiopian government systematically and illegally blocked access to social media and news websites in its efforts to crush dissent and prevent reporting of attacks on protesters by security forces during a wave of protests over the last year, a new report released today shows.

Research conducted by Amnesty International and the Open Observatory of Network Interference shows that between June and October this year during times of heightened tension and protests, access to WhatsApp and at least 16 news outlets was blocked, especially in the Oromia region.

Since November last year, thousands of people from Oromia have taken to the streets to protest against possible land seizures under the government’s Addis Ababa Masterplan, which aims to expand the capital’s administrative control into the region. The government declared a six-month state of emergency in October this year in response to the protests.

The study was conducted to investigate whether and to what extent internet censorship was actually taking place after contacts of Amnesty and the Open Observatory of Network Interference in Ethiopia consistently reported unusually slow internet connections and inability to access social media websites.

Testimonies gathered by Amnesty from different parts of Oromia found that social media mobile applications such as Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter, have been largely inaccessible since early March this year, especially in the Oromia region where residents were waging protests against the government since last November.

The Ethiopian government is also reported to have blocked access to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Viber during the National University Exam week (9 – 14 July 2016) so as “to prevent students being distracted from studying during the exam period”.
Amnesty contacts also reported that internet access on mobile devices had been completely blocked in Amhara, Addis Ababa and Oromia in the lead up to protests in the three regions on 6 and 7 August.

This was confirmed in Google’s transparency reports for the period between July and November this year, which showed a dramatic drop in internet traffic out of Ethiopia on the two days when at least 100 people were killed by security forces during the protests.

Amnesty International’s Deputy East Africa, the Horn and Great Lakes Director Michelle Kagari said:
"It’s clear that as far as the Ethiopian government is concerned, social media is a tool for extremists peddling bigotry and hate and therefore they are fully justified in blocking internet access.  The reality, though, is very different. The widespread censorship has closed another space for Ethiopian’s to air the grievances that fuelled the protests.

“The internet blocking had no basis in law, and was another disproportionate and excessive response to the protests. This raises serious concerns that overly broad censorship will become institutionalised under the state of emergency.

“Rather than closing off all spaces for people to express their concerns, the authorities need to actively engage with, and address the underlying human rights violations that have fuelled the protests over the last year. “We urge the government to refrain from blocking access to internet sites and instead commit its resources to addressing its citizens’ legitimate grievances.”

Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology used to filter websites

The report also found that the Ethiopian government uses Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) technology to filter access to websites. DPI is a technology that can be bought and deployed on any network. Though it has many legitimate functions, it can also enable monitoring and filtering of internet traffic.

The Open Observatory of Network Interference’s Maria Xynou said:
“Our findings provide incontrovertible evidence of systematic interference with access to numerous websites belonging to independent news organisations and political opposition groups, as well as sites supporting freedom of expression and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex rights.

“Tor Metrics data illustrate that more and more people were trying to access censorship circumvention tools, such as TOR, which indicated that the internet was inaccessible through the normal routes. This all paints a picture of a government intent on stifling expression and free exchange of information.”


Ethiopia has been hit by a wave of protests since November 2015 when ethnic Oromos took to the streets to protest against possible land seizures under the government’s Addis Ababa Masterplan, which aimed to expand the capital’s administrative control into Oromia.

The protests later spread to Amhara, with demands for an end to arbitrary arrests, as well as respect for regional autonomy rights enshrined in the constitution.

Most of the protests were met with excessive force from the security forces. The worst incident involved the death of possibly hundreds of protesters in a stampede on 2 October at Bishoftu.

Protest groups say the stampede was caused by the security forces’ unnecessary and excessive use of force. The government has denied this, instead blaming the deaths on “anti-peace forces.”

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Liz McInnes: As a British national languishes under a death sentence in an Ethiopian jail, we demand Boris Johnson intervene


On the day he became foreign secretary, Boris Johnson made it clear that “when you leave Heathrow, when you leave Dover, a British citizen is basically the responsibility of the Foreign Office.”
These words ring hollow in the case of Andy Tsege.
Mr Tsege is a UK national who was arbitrarily detained abroad. He is a British father of three who is held under a sentence of death in Ethiopia for his political beliefs.
In June 2014, Andy was travelling through an airport in Sanaa, Yemen, when he was accosted by unknown men and put onto a plane. Two weeks later and after being given no information regarding his whereabouts, Andy’s family were finally told that he had been taken to Ethiopia under the ‘extraordinary rendition’ laws. He was held in prison, under sentence of death.
Two and a half years on Andy is still being detained, without charge, in the prison described as ‘Ethiopia’s gulag’. In all that time his family in London have been allowed to speak with him just once.
Over the past three months British consular assistance has been restricted and British staff have been unable to have any form of access to him. During this time, rumours of torture have emerged, and reports suggest Andy is in fear for his life.
The Ethiopian foreign minister has told UK officials that Andy is not permitted to appeal his death sentence. And after promising the previous Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, that Andy would be allowed to see a lawyer, the Ethiopian Government has failed to deliver on this pledge – despite repeated requests.
The Labour shadow foreign office team has been working hard to press the government into action to secure Mr Tsege’s release and to raise awareness of his case. We have regularly written and spoken to Boris Johnson urging the government to speak out on this issue but so far they have refused to demand his release.
So today, alongside Andy’s wife Yemi and other colleagues, we shall deliver to the Government a petition with tens of thousands of signatures, calling for Andy’s return home.
It is time for the foreign secretary to speak up on behalf of Mr Tsege. It is time to get him back home.
source: http:

Saturday, November 19, 2016

For Habtamu Ayalew’s sake & the many nameless TPLF-victims, Dr. Tedros Adhanom must finally show decency by withdrawing his name from candidacy for WHO director-general post!

By Keffyalew Gebremedhin
The end is drawing closer
By the ongoing Ethiopian popular uprising, spearheaded by the people of Oromia and Amhara regions, Ethiopians have been empowered and are resolved to dethrone the TPLF, a regime that has been in power for a quarter century through the suppression and oppression of Ethiopians in all sorts of inhuman ways.

Nonetheless, let there be no illusion, fully armed to its teeth, the Ethiopian ruling party – once a guerrilla movement, i.e., the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) – remains still very powerful, deceitful, militaristic and dictatorial organization.
This statement of fact is not intended to convey the notion that Ethiopia would continue to be governable for the Front any longer.
TPLF’s deviance from inception through adulthood
With the bad lesson it has been imbued from the get go, especially from Albania’s Enver Hoxa – better known as Stalin’s devilish disciple – whose quasi-Marxist ideology during his 40-year rule from 1944-1985 and the elimination of opponents of his rule, has impressed and strongly influenced the TPLF. That exactly is what it has been doing in Ethiopia in the past four decades – where possible through the use of unlawful laws, for example, the anti-terrorism proclamationand anti-civil society law to arbitrarily imprison, kill and force the disappearances of several tens of thousands innocent Ethiopians.
Fortunately, thanks to some academics, local and international journalists and human rights organizations, the extent of TPLF’s cruelty and the horrors it has caused on our nation have been documented to a reasonable degree.
It is unmistakably clear that TPLF’s formative years and its ideological lessons – its antecedent self, what social scientists call path-dependent development – are responsible in making it the killing machine it was and has been. The TPLF, therefore, is a story of a band of people with sick minds that came together, united by their destructive mission the governance mechanism of which they referred to as collective leadership, and also often boasted about how they governed themselves as a liberation movement even after they seized power in 1991, at least for a decade.
It is this self-professed unity of purpose for the commission of crimes against humanity in Ethiopia that has locked together all top members of the TPLF leadership, with not a single exception. Blinded by the arrogance of power, they now find themselves behind the inescapable wall of liability for violations of national and international human rights laws they have been committing through the years.
Did I hear or read from Gebremedhin Araya, the first TPLF finance chief, once telling the media the gruesome story of how today’s TPLF leaders used to kill girls, i.e., the girls they used to date, if and when they got pregnant? This shows that, even at present while fully aware TPLF’s days are numbered, these boneheads could not try to find ways to apologize to Ethiopians and seek forgiveness. Instead of taking to heart even the lessons of the current popular uprising about the limits of power and consequences of their past years of crimes and the humiliations they have subjected Ethiopians, they still seem to prefer to kill and torture citizens on a daily basis across the nation.
Not long ago, I posted on this blog how truly the TPLF thinks of its powers. To show that I used as example the arrogance of power and the inhumanness of powerful people that are drunk with human blood. A prime example of that is Debretsion Gebremichael, the TPLF Minister of Information, Communication and Technology and deputy chairman of the ruling party.
As unthinking person, he posted something that he has started to regret; he has even foolishly hid away that article on his Facebook from August 2016, although it could never escape reappearance and inquiry at the right moment with the law as authority. Sadly for him, he drew the attention of the international community by revealing what has been hatching inside the mind of the TPLF zombies. He comfortably and boastfully blurted out full-throated: “The TPLF defense force is capable of destroying the whole of Africa, much less 30 million population [Amharas]” in Ethiopia!
What he has done is to expose readiness of sick people like himself in power to recreate the Rwanda Genocide of 1994 in Ethiopia. Why this in a country the TPLF strongmen have been committing every crime known to humanity in the name of ethnic federation-based democracy and developmentalism, which citizens had tolerated for long.
Truth be told, as far as the TPLF is concerned, it is not any more a matter of if, but when regime collapse would become a reality in Ethiopia. For sure that day will not come because the United States has turned away from the TPLF. Rather it is because of the united strengths of the Ethiopian people, determined as they are to see the back of the TPLF.
Fortunately, the United States is right when once again it reminded the TPLF messenger Hailemariam Desalegn in New York on September 21, 2016 through Assistant Secretary of State Linda Thomas-Greenfield – the official responsible in the State Department for Africa – the situation in Ethiopia “could deteriorate and that the Ethiopian government is aware of that possibility as well.”
Enters Dr. Tedros Adhanom
For many Africans, the story of their destruction by the TPLF, as per Debretsion’s warnimg, interestingly came about eight months after the whole of Africa through the African Union (AU) pretended in Mekelle, Tigray region (for details refer to Dr. Tedros Adhanom’s WHO countdown) to vote in block for the TPLF foreign minister.
As foreign minister for about five years now, Dr. Tedros’s role has been to render the TPLF image benign, telling all lies on behalf of the regime and portraying it as democratic, developmental and acceptable. Surely, one thing Ethiopians have known all along about him is that he shares in common with other TPLF leaders the Front’s vice of ably telling lies and exaggerating some things to the extent that his rendition often disarms the ill-prepared into self-doubt.
Dr. Tedros Adhanom has been one of the top decision makers in this killing machine, known as the TPLF. Inevitably, he is guilty of the violation of human rights in Ethiopia. In that regard, he is one of the criminals in the TPLF ranks and under the TPLF’s collective leadership principle.
For nearly nine months now, Tedros Adhanom has been bankrupting Ethiopia without any accountability with his huge expenditures to lobby nations to support him become WHO’s ninth director-general. He has been nearly all over the world possibly to speak to each of the 193 members of the World Health Assembly (WHA). Nobody knows with certainty how is paying for all his travels and the wining and dining with all nations.
At the same time, all along Tedros Adhanom has hired for millions of dollars a public relations company known as Mercury Public Affairs to lobby for him in the United States and internationally, by putting out good words through the media – all this on behalf of a certified human rights violator, managerially incompetent and bust integrity-wise.
Ethiopia is bankrupt since it is terribly short of foreign exchange, because of the instability in the country and the bad economy. He says the East African nations, would pool pool resources for him. And to date not a single country has paid, if at all a fund has been established. What the guy says is not credible. After all, some of the East African nations are at the top of the list for unpaid obligatory assessed contributions to the dictators’ club, i.e., the African Union (AU).
To avoid being exposed, Tedros Adhanom turned to East Africa claiming that they wouldfor his campaign. Almost the campaign face largely behind them, to date no East African country has made any payment to the Fund. But who is paying for him?
However, Foreign Minister Tedros Adhanom has lots of friends in the international community. These include billionaire Americans that hope to benefit their undertakings especially in Africa from his services, i.e., if he is placed in a leadership position in WHO. That is why even other nominees now insist that campaign expenses and sources of funding of the six candidates to the WHO post be made public.
Do you know that he even has power over life and death?
As one of the members in the top leadership of Ethiopia, via the politburo of the TPLF and the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), Dr.Tedros Adhanom is one of the most powerful persons in Ethiopia today. This has enabled him to do or say anything he likes, irrespective of any considerations for principles. Dr. Tedros Adhanom is a powerful person in Ethiopia.
The saddest thing about the minister’s power is that he lacks the will to do good and tell the truth. For instance, even when he is running for the highest office in the WHO, he has been known in Ethiopia to have adversely decided against the medical treatment of Habtamu Ayalew, a senior member of the legal opposition party in Ethiopia, whom the TPLF imprisoned for about two years and caused his ill-health due to the enormous tortures he was subjected to in the TPLF version of the Soviet gulag.
A supporter of his party’s vindictive position against the restoration of Habtamu Ayalew’s health, he refused to lift the ban on his travel abroad even when his life has been moving into the danger zone. Habtamu is merely being victimized by the regime for being in the leadership of the legal opposition. This resulted in the decision to deny him exit visa, according to Amnesty International. This is notwithstanding the testimony of his physicians and the support of the board of medical doctors, as required by the nation’s laws, to urgently travel for treatment abroad.
Habtamu Ayalew

Isn’t this a tragic case badly reflecting on the foreign minister, who since January 31st, 2016 has become Africa’s candidate to the highest post in the World Health Organization?
In that regard, it is also important that I draw the attention of readers to three of WHO’s nine principles. These state:
(2) The enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being without distinction of race, religion, political belief, economic or social condition.
(4) The achievement of any State in the promotion and protection of health is of value to all.
(9) Governments have a responsibility for the health of their peoples which be fulfilled only by the provision of adequate health and social measures.
This senseless vindictiveness and cruelty, a violation of the WHO Constitution and the principles thereon. Equally to the same effect, the United Nations Charter in its Preamble underlines that one of the Organization’s objective is “to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom”. This should awaken the international community, as assembled in the 34-member Executive Council and the 194-member World Health Assembly (WHA) to take the right decision regarding this candidate, if not in January 2017, certainly in May 2017.
The choices before member states are two: In keeping with WHO principles either to put a leader with competence, vision and commitment, or to pick up Mr. Cruelty & Mr. Stoneheart – the two in one – at the head of such vitally important international organization that must cater to human wellbeing across the globe.
I fear that in the event the TPLF give Mr. Stoneheart his dream, not only that they would award incompetence an annual salary of $244,000, or over $20,000 a month, benefits not included. But also they are arranging for him to sell the entire WHO to the highest bidder.
Habtamu Ayalew is one of the several million human beings the monsters in the TPLF have damaged through their torture to make out of him an example to cower other Ethiopians. The father of two young children did not deserve this for the ‘crime’ of his advocacy of freedom and democracy for Ethiopians.
Tedros Adhanom’s mistake is his failure to recognize that, even against our unyielding nature, at times we all need to force ourselves to think, feel and be humans so as to be able to heal the private pains and wipe the tears of others to heal our own individual pains.
At this moment, there is not and cannot be any better evidence than Habtamu Ayalew’s life and death struggle that exposes unsuitability of Dr. Tedros Adhanom to become WHO’s next director-general. His endless rhetorics and false concerns about global health in general and WHO’s principles in particular are empty words. They are deployed to grab the well-paying international job with lots of privileges that may only feed a dangerous ego.
When I think of it, if he is elected director–general the return to WHO is not only nothing – zilch. But also it would become the world’s loss of an international organization that caters for global health.
This is because, firstly the candidate has no significant qualifications that add to improving WHO’s operations to realize its mandated missions.
Secondly, while a malaria researcher, Dr. Tedros Adhanom also comes from a political cadre background for a cruel and murderous party that tortures citizens and burns political prisoners alive in prisons, as happened in Kilinto on September 3, 2016!
On the contrary, note that the international health organization during its sixty-nine years of existence since 1947 has been used to better managers, better minds, the leadership of visionary health specialists with integrity, notwithstanding some human weaknesses.
In Excelsis Deo
In Aaron Sorkin’s tenth episode of The West Wing, in In Excelsis Deo (Glory to God in the highest), was considered the 1999 Christmas special. It is a story about human goodness that transcends social difficulties, officialdom‘s territoriality and shows concern for others because they are human beings.
In that episode, the story is centred around the unfortunate life of an American who was found dead in a park bench nearby the White House.
From a festive occasion at the White House, when President Bartlett and his senior staff were in celebratory mood both by the joy and warmth of the Christmas spirit and their success in finding in Judge Roberto Mendoza as the president’s nominee to become an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court.
As White House Communications Director, Toby Ziegler was instrumental in identifying and interviewing Judge Mendoza.
Suddenly, there was a telephone call from the Washington D.C. Police, asking for Toby Ziegler to report to them. When the White House official obeyed the law and reported to the police, an officer by the bench next to the man asked him if he knew the dead person. Toby did not know him, but in the pocket of the expired person was found Mr. Zeigler’s card. The police wanted to establish the relations between the two.
Toby looked at the coat the person was wearing; he told the policeman that was his coat and he had given it away for charity and that his card must have been in there.
Toby immediately saw something the policeman had not. There was a mark on the person’s arm showing he was a veteran of America’s Korea war of the 1960s. The veteran had fallen on hard times and had died of the cold northerly wind in a park bench.
Toby asked if the police had contacted the Veterans’ Affairs Department. The policeman did not pick it up. It is this time that he became aware that they did not know what the sign on his arm was all about.
The president heard about it and allowed Toby to organize the dead veteran an honor guard during his funeral.
I agree, it sounds harsh. This story on one hand and Habtamu Ayalew‘s plight on the other have pushed me into thinking that possibly Dr. Tedros Adhanom – Mr. Cruelty & Mr. Stoneheart, the two in one – would have accused the veteran soldier of being a mugger, who had stolen his coat.
Otherwise, how could the minister of foreign affairs of Ethiopia, a member of the ruling party’s top politburo, goes ahead and sentences Habtamu Ayalew to torturous death, just for being a member of the legal opposition party. The instrument of Habtamu’s murder in the hands of the TPLF is the power to deny him an exit visa to go abroad and get treatment, which his doctors and the medical board had recommended, in accordance with the nation’s law!
In the face of the above sins and crimes, Dr. Tedros Adhanom, I ask you with all sincerity to formally withdraw your candidature to the post of director-general of the World Health Organization.
You may be tempted to resist. My earnest hope is that you lose in the competition. That would become your double-jeopardy!

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Only China, Syria, and Iran rank worse in internet freedom than Ethiopia

Ethiopia's Feyisa Lilesa standing with the Oromo protests.

Ethiopia’s internet is among the least free in the world. According to a new index released by the nonprofit Freedom House, Ethiopia ranked ahead of only Iran, Syria, and China, out of 65 countries in terms of access to the internet, censorship, and freedom of information. It ranked the worst of any country in Africa.

This isn’t surprising. Anti-government protests have gripped the country over the last year, gaining extra global attention when Ethiopian marathoner Feyisa Lilesa held his hands up, crossed at the wrist–an anti-government gesture used by protesters—at the Olympics. In response, Ethiopian authorities have intermittently shut down mobile phone and internet connections. They have also blocked social media like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Twitter.

Last month, a six-month state of emergency was declared, making it illegal to post or access information about the protests on social media as well as communicate with “outside forces.” Social media is also used to implicate dissidents and critics. Charges against protesters and opposition leaders often rely on evidence taken from social media, according to Freedom House.

Ethiopia’s heavy-handed approach to the internet goes further back than this last year. The country has passed counter-terrorism laws over the last five years that make it easier to pressure journalists and bloggers. The blogger Zelalem Workagenehu was sentenced to five yearsin prison this spring for running a course on digital security that authorities said was a cover for terrorist activities. Authorities have blocked news sites reporting on topics aside from the protests, like a severe drought that has left 18 million people in need of food and water supplies.

The situation is likely to continue. In recent weeks, authorities have detained four journalists, including two bloggers from the Zone 9 collective that was charged and later acquitted under the anti-terrorism last year, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ).

Government-owned EthioTelecom has a monopoly on internet access. Only 12% of the population has internet access and few people can afford it, given mobile access costs $85 a month compared to $30 a month in neighboring countries like Uganda or Kenya. Telecommunication infrastructure in rural areas, where most of Ethiopia’s population lives, is almost entirely absent.

Nor has the government opened the sector to competition. Chinese telecom firms ZTE and Huawei have been contracted to upgrade broadband and other networks in the country. But critics worry that Chinese investment is only helping EthioTelecom maintain its hold on the sector and continue censoring and surveilling citizens.

One bright spot is the growing network of bloggers and journalists in the Ethiopian diaspora who have been using their contacts within the country provide coverage of the country. “Silencing those who criticize the government’s handling of protests will not bring stability,” said Angela Quintal, the Africa program coordinator for CPJ.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

የሠማያዊ ፓርቲ ሠማኒያ አባላት እስር ላይ ናቸው

ሠማያዊ ፓርቲ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ በተለያዩ ፖሊስ ጣቢያዎች አንዳንድ የአመራር አባላትን ጨምሮ ከሠማኒያ በላይ አባሎቹና ደጋፊዎቹ መታሰራቸውን አስታወቀ፡፡
ከእነዚህም መካከል ፍርድ ቤት የቀረቡት ሦስት ብቻ መሆናቸውን የገለፁ አንድ የፓርቲው አምራር አባል ፖሊስ የፍርድ ቤት ትዛዝን ባለመቀበል በዋስ የተፈቱ አንዲት አመራር አባል በእስር እንደሚገኙ ተናግረዋል፤ የፖሊስን ምላሽ ለማግኘት አልተቻለም፡፡
የሠማያዊ ፓርቲ የህዝብ ግንኙነት ኃላፊ አቶ ሠለሞን ተሰማ ለቪኦኤ እንደገለፁት በአሁኑ ጊዜ በተለያዩ የሃገሪቱ ክፍሎች እጅግ ብዙ የሠማያዊ ፓርቲ አባላትና ደጋፊዎች እስር ቤት ይገኛሉ፡፡
የህዝብ ግንኙነቱ ኃላፊው  በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ብቻ በየካ ክፍለ ከተማ በቤላ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ፣ በጉለሌ ክፍለ ከተማ ላዛሪት ፖሊስ ጣቢያ፣ በአራዳ ክፍለከተማ ገዳም ሰፈር ፖሊስ ጣቢያ እንዲሁም በአዲስ ከተማ ክፍለ ከተማ ኳስ ሜዳ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ 85 በላይ የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ አባሎችና ደጋፊዎች መታሰራቸውን ገልጸዋል። ከነዚህም ውስጥ የፓርቲው የውጭ ጉዳይ ሃላፊ የሆኑት አቶ አበበ አካሉና የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የሴቶች ጉዳይ ሃላፊ የሆኑት ወይዘሮ ብሌን መስፍን እንዲሁም የፓርቲው  የምክር ቤት ሰብሳቢ የሆኑት አቶ ይድነቃቸው ከበደ ይገኙበታል።
ሠማያዊ ፓርቲ በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ በተለያዩ ፖሊስ ጣቢያዎች አንዳንድ የአመራር አባላትን ጨምሮ ከሠማኒያ በላይ አባሎቹና ደጋፊዎቹ መታሰራቸውን አስታወቀ፡፡
ከእነዚህም መካከል ፍርድ ቤት የቀረቡት ሦስት ብቻ መሆናቸውን የገለፁ አንድ የፓርቲው አምራር አባል ፖሊስ የፍርድ ቤት ትዛዝን ባለመቀበል በዋስ የተፈቱ አንዲት አመራር አባል በእስር እንደሚገኙ ተናግረዋል፤ የፖሊስን ምላሽ ለማግኘት አልተቻለም፡፡
የሠማያዊ ፓርቲ የህዝብ ግንኙነት ኃላፊ አቶ ሠለሞን ተሰማ ለቪኦኤ እንደገለፁት በአሁኑ ጊዜ በተለያዩ የሃገሪቱ ክፍሎች እጅግ ብዙ የሠማያዊ ፓርቲ አባላትና ደጋፊዎች እስር ቤት ይገኛሉ፡፡
የህዝብ ግንኙነቱ ኃላፊው  በአዲስ አበባ ከተማ ብቻ በየካ ክፍለ ከተማ በቤላ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ፣ በጉለሌ ክፍለ ከተማ ላዛሪት ፖሊስ ጣቢያ፣ በአራዳ ክፍለከተማ ገዳም ሰፈር ፖሊስ ጣቢያ እንዲሁም በአዲስ ከተማ ክፍለ ከተማ ኳስ ሜዳ ፖሊስ ጣቢያ 85 በላይ የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ አባሎችና ደጋፊዎች መታሰራቸውን ገልጸዋል። ከነዚህም ውስጥ የፓርቲው የውጭ ጉዳይ ሃላፊ የሆኑት አቶ አበበ አካሉና የሰማያዊ ፓርቲ የሴቶች ጉዳይ ሃላፊ የሆኑት ወይዘሮ ብሌን መስፍን እንዲሁም የፓርቲው  የምክር ቤት ሰብሳቢ የሆኑት አቶ ይድነቃቸው ከበደ ይገኙበታል።