Monday, April 29, 2013

In Oslo Norway Ethiopians demonstration against TPLF's agenda of Nile dam fundraising seeking

In Oslo Norway Ethiopians demonstration against TPLF's agenda of Nile dam fundraising seeking

In Norway’s capital Oslo on Sunday, the police turned out in large numbers as requested by the Woyane ambassador. But that didn’t stop brave Ethiopians from stopping the ambassador’s attempt to sell illegal bonds and defraud Ethiopians. The Ethiopians made a human chain and blocked the entrance to the hotel, forcing the management to cancel the event.  Eleven Ethiopians were temporarily detained as the police tried to break the human chain, but during the whole protest, no one was physically hurt. The only thing that is damaged are two of Woyane’s pillars of support: 1) it’s propaganda campaign to hoodwink the people, and 2) one of its sources of income. This is what we call civil resistance: Patriotic Ethiopians every where taking their own initiative to fight for their freedom.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Ethiopia will NOT let 'Renaissance Dam' harm Egypt: Egyptian presidency

Ethiopia will NOT let 'Renaissance Dam' harm Egypt: Egyptian presidency

Published: Apr 25, 2013

Ethiopia's plans to store 84 billion cubic metres of Blue Nile water via a new dam should not affect Egypt, says Egyptian presidency spokesperson

Ethiopia will not let its in-construction Renaissance Dam affect Egypt, reported the Arabic-language state news website Al-Ahram, citing the spokesperson of the Egyptian presidency Wednesday.

Ehab Fahmy said that if the dam has a negative impact, Ethiopians will "understand the situation and not allow harm to befall Egypt in the light of the historic ties between the two counties and the other Nile Basin countries" .

Fahmy added that the joint committee between Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan tasked with handling the matter did not finalise their mission concerning the impact of the renaissance dam on Egypt’s quota of Nile water.

The committee has been meeting for almost two years to examine the construction plan for the dam, which Ethiopia started building with the intention of storing 84 billion cubic metres of water. The water stored will then generate electricity sufficient for its own use and for exports to neighbouring countries, not excluding Egypt.

The Renaissance Dam is one of four dams analysts say could be built along the Blue Nile, which provides Egypt with about 60 percent of its annual 55 million cubic metres of Nile water.

Egypt and Ethiopia are members of the Nile Basin Initiative (NBI), a partnership among Nile states aimed at sharing the river's socio-economic benefits and promoting regional security.

Ten countries are involved in the initiative: Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

ግብጽ የውሃ ጦርነት ለማድረግ ሃይል እያደራጀች ናት።

ግብጽ የውሃ ጦርነት ለማድረግ ሃይል እያደራጀች ናት።
በአሜሪካ ከፍተኛ እገዛ የሚደረግለት የግብጽ ጦር ሃይል የናይል ወንዝን ለመቆጣጠር ሲባል መጠሪያው የዉሃ ጦርነት ሊባል የሚችል ጸብ አጫሪ ተግባር ለመፈጸም በዝግጅት ላይ ይገኛል። የምዕራብ የደህንነት ምንጮች እንደተናገሩት ከሆነ የጦር ክፍሉ የሃገሪቱን ፕሬዝዳንት ሞሃመድ ሞርሲን ማንኛውንም የናይል ወንዝ ፍሰት የሚያስተጓጉል ተግባር ለመቀልበስ ጦሩ የሚደራጅበትን ፈቃድ ጠይቋል።
አካላቱ የሚሉት የጦር ሃይሉ ከኢትዮጵያ ጋር ከፍተኛ ጸብ ሊፈጠር እንደሚችል እና ያም የግብጽን እና የሱዳንን የውሃ ፍጆታ አደጋ ላይ የሚጥል ክስተት ይሆናል ።
”ለግብጽ የጦር ሃይል እና መንግስት ይህ ምናልባትም የዛሬው ትልቁ እና አንገብጋቢ የጸጥታ ጉዳይ ነው” ብለዋል ምንጮቹ።
ምንጮቹም አክለው ሞርሲ ከሱዳን ጋር የጦር ሃይል ውህደት በማድረግ ኢትዮጵያ በናይል ወንዝ ላይ የምታደርገውን የግድብ ግንባታ ለማስቆም በዝግጅት ላይ ይገኛሉ ሲሉም ለኢትዮጵያ የአደጋ ማስጠንቀቂያ ሊባል የሚችል ሃሳብ ሰንዝረዋል። የህዳሴ ግድቡ ወደ 84 ቢሊዮን ኪዩቢክ ዉሃ በማስቀረት ለኤሌክትሪክ ሃይል ማመንጫ በቂ የሆነ ክምችት ለማድረግ ታስቦበት እየተገነባ ያለ ፕሮጀክት መሆኑ ይታወቃል።
”የጦር ሃይሉ በቅርቡ የአየር ጥቃት ለማድረግ ትእዛዝ የሚደረግበትን መንገድ እና የግድቡን ግንባታ ለማስቆም ወይም የኢትዮጵያዋን ልዕልት በቀላሉ ለማውደም እየተዘጋጀ ይገኛል” ይላል ይህ ምንጭ።  
የዉሃውን ስልሳ በመቶ የምትጠቀመው ግብጽ የቀድሞውን ያለፈ ”መብት” ለማስጠበቅ የሙጥኝ ማለቷ የማያለሰልስ አቋም እየሆነ መጥቷል።
በማስቀጠልም ምንጮቹ የሞርሲ መንግስት ለአዲስ አበባ ጠንካራ ማስጠንቀቂያ ይሰጣል ተብሎ እንደሚጠበቅ ግምታቸውን አስታውቀዋል። ይህም ይሆናል ተብሎ የሚታሰበው በመጪው የግንቦት ወር መገባደጃ አከባቢ በግብጽ-ሱዳን-ኢትዮጵያ ሶስትዮሽ የቴክኒካል ቀጣይ ስብሰባ ነው ተብሏልም።
ናይል በአስር ሃገራት የጋራ ሃብትነት ይታወቃል።
”ኢትዮጵያ ለግድቡ ተግባር የሚጠቅማትን  ወይም የሚሆናትን ዉሃ ብቻ ማጠራቀሟን ማረጋገጥ የሚቻልባቸው እርምጃዎች መወሰዳቸው ግድ ነው ይህም ከግብጽ ፈቃድ እና መስመር ጋር የተስማማ መሆን አለበት” ሲሉ የተደመጡት ደግሞ የዛሬ አራት ቀን በግብጽ የመንግስት ዜና አውታር አል አህራም ዴይሊ ንግግር ያደረጉት የሃገሪቱ ባለስልጣን ናቸው።
የዜና ምንጮች ይህን ያሉት የግብጽ የጦር ሃይል  ከዩናይትድ ስቴትስ አዲስ ኤፍ-አስራ ስድስት ብሎክ ሃምሳ ሁለት የተባለ ለብዙ ተግባራት የሚውል የጦር አውሮፕላን መረከቧን እንደ ዋቢ መረጃ በመጥቀስ ነው። በማስቀጠል እንዳሉትም  በአ.አ 2013 ወደ ሃያ የሚሆን ቁጥር ያላቸው መሰል የጦር አውሮፕላኖች የሚቀበለው የግብጽ የአየር ሃይል በሰጠው መረጃ የቅርብ ጊዜው ኤፍ አስራ ስድስት ቫሪያንት ተቀጥያ የነዳጅ መያዣዎች ያሉት በመሆኑ በኢትዮጵያዋ ልዕልት ላይ ጥቃት ለመሰንዘር ያስችለናል ሲል አስታውቋል።
የህዳሴው ግድብ በየዓመቱ ከአስራ ስምንት እስከ ሃያ ሚሊዮን ኪዩቢክ ዉሃ እንድናጣ ያደርገናል ስትል ግብጽ አስታውቃለች። ምንጮቹ እንደሚሉትም ግብጽ ለዩናይትድ ስቴትስ ኦፍ አሜሪካ በተደጋጋሚ የኢትዮጵያን ግድብ ፕሮጀክት አደገኛነት ማሳሰቧን ገልጸዋል። 
”በዚህ ጉዳይ ላይ የአሜሪካ ድርሻ በጣም ወሳኝ ነው ምክንያቱም በኢትዮጵያ ሊደረግ የሚችለው ጥቃት ላይ ምርቷ የሆነው የጦር አውሮፕላን ግልጋሎት ላይ ሊውል ታቅዷል እና ነው” ያለው ይህ ምንጭ ነው።

የማረሚያ ቤቱ ድራማ በርዕዮት እምቢተኝነት ከሸፈ

የማረሚያ ቤቱ ድራማ በርዕዮት እምቢተኝነት ከሸፈ

April 23, 2013 12:05 pm
ባሳለፍነው እሁድና ሰኞ በቃሊቲ ማረሚያ ቤት የምትገኘውን ጋዜጠኛ ርዕዮት አለሙን ለመጠየቅ በዛ ያሉ የሞያ አጋሮቿና አድናቂዎቿ በስፍራው ተገኝተው ነበር፡፡የጠያቂዎቹ በዛ ብሎ የመገኘት ዋነኛ ምክንያት ደግሞ ርዕዮት በቅርቡ የዩኔስኮን የ2013 አለም አቀፍ ሽልማት በማግኘቷ እንኳን ደስ አለሽ በማለት የደስታዋ ተካፋይ መሆናቸውን ለመግለጽ ነበር፡፡ የባልንጀሮቿን የደስታ ምኞት እየተቀበለች ለሁሉም ሽልማቱ የእርሷ ብቻ እንዳልሆነም ትገልጽ ነበር፡፡
ርዕዮት ጠያቂዎቿን በመቀበል እያነጋገረች በነበረችበት ሰዓት(ሰኞ ዕለት) የቪዲዩ ካሜራ በመደገን ለመቅረጽ ይሞክር የነበረ አንድ ሰው በጋዜጠኞች እይታ ስር ይወድቃል፡፡ርዕዮት ላይ ያነጣጠረው ካሜራ የፈለገውን እንዳያገኝም በስፍራው የነበሩ ሰዎች ጋዜጠኛዋን በመክበብ ምስሏን እንዳይቀርጽ አድርገዋል፡፡በጠያቂዎቿ እንደተከበበች ርዕዮትን መቅረጽ ያልሆነለት ስውሩ ጋዜጠኛ በመጨረሻ ርዕዮትን ነጥሎ ለማናገር ይሞክራል፡፡በዚህ ወቅት ግን የጠያቂዎች ሰዓት በማለቁ የርዕዮት ጠያቂዎች ማረሚያ ቤቱን ለቅቀው እንዲወጡ ተደርገዋል፡፡
CourageEagle7የፍኖተ ነጻነት ምንጮች እንዳረጋገጡት ጋዜጠኛው ርዕዮትን በማግኘት ‹‹አንቺ ጋዜጠኛ አይደለሽ፣በራስሽ የምትተማመኚ ከሆነስ ለምን ለመቀረጽ እምቢ ትያለሽ›› ይላታል፡፡ርዕዮትም  ‹‹ከአንተ ጋር ከመነጋገሬ በፊት የማረሚያ ቤቱን ሃላፊዎች  ማነጋገር እፈልጋለሁ›› በማለቷ ሃላፊዎቹ ይመጣሉ፡፡ርዕዮት ቀጠለች‹‹ይህ ጋዜጠኛ የሚፈልገውን ቃለ ምልልስ የመስጠት ችግር የለብኝም፣ ነገር ግን የተናገርኩትን ቆራርጦና ጨማምሮ ሊያቀርበው የሚችል በመሆኑ የነጻ ሚዲያ አባላት በቃለ ምልልሱ ወቅት እንዲገኙ ይደረግ ፣ ከዚህ ውጪ ግን ለጥያቄው ምንም አይነት ትብብር እንደማላደርግ ይታወቅልኝ››በማለት አቋሟን ግልጽ አድርጋለች፡፡
እንደሚታወቀው መንግስት በሽብርተኝነት ከስሶ በእስራት እንድትቀጣ እያደረጋት የምትገኘው ጋዜጠኛ የጤንነቷ ሁኔታ አሳሳቢ ደረጃ ላይ እንደሚገኝ መገለጹን ተከትሎ በአገር ውስጥና በውጪ መንግስት ላይ ከፍተኛ ጫና እየተደረገ ይገኛል፡፡የጋዜጠኞች መብት ተሟጋቹ ሲፒጄን ጨምሮ የአውሮፓ ፓርላማ አባል የሆኑት ሚስ አና ጎሜዝ፤የአሜሪካ ስቴት ዲፓርትመንትና ሌሎች አለም አቀፍ ተቋማት ጋዜጠኛዋ ተገቢውን የህክምና ክትትል እንድታገኝ መጠየቃቸው አይዘነጋም፡፡
ከዚህ ቀደም ፖለቲከኛና ዳኛ የነበሩት ወ/ሪት ብርቱካን ሚዴቅሳ በታሰሩበት ወህኒ ቤት ለህመም ተጋልጠዋል የሚሉ መረጃዎች በመውጣታቸው ጫና የተፈጠረበት መንግስት ብርቱካን በጤንነት ላይ ይገኛሉ ለማለት በኢትዮጵያ ቴሌቪዥን አማካኝነት አንድ ዘገባ መስራቱ አይዘነጋም፡፡ርዕዮት ማረሚያ ቤቱ ያስገባው ስውሩ ጋዜጠኛ ከእውቅናዋ ውጪ  ሊሰራው የነበረውን ድራማ ቀድማ በመንቃቷ ሊሳካ አልቻለም፡፡
ባሳለፍነው እሁድና ሰኞ በቃሊቲ ማረሚያ ቤት የምትገኘውን ጋዜጠኛ ርዕዮት አለሙን ለመጠየቅ በዛ ያሉ የሞያ አጋሮቿና አድናቂዎቿ በስፍራው ተገኝተው ነበር፡፡የጠያቂዎቹ በዛ ብሎ የመገኘት ዋነኛ ምክንያት ደግሞ ርዕዮት በቅርቡ የዩኔስኮን የ2013 አለም አቀፍ ሽልማት በማግኘቷ እንኳን ደስ አለሽ በማለት የደስታዋ ተካፋይ መሆናቸውን ለመግለጽ ነበር፡፡ የባልንጀሮቿን የደስታ ምኞት እየተቀበለች ለሁሉም ሽልማቱ የእርሷ ብቻ እንዳልሆነም ትገልጽ ነበር፡፡
ርዕዮት ጠያቂዎቿን በመቀበል እያነጋገረች በነበረችበት ሰዓት(ሰኞ ዕለት) የቪዲዩ ካሜራ በመደገን ለመቅረጽ ይሞክር የነበረ አንድ ሰው በጋዜጠኞች እይታ ስር ይወድቃል፡፡ርዕዮት ላይ ያነጣጠረው ካሜራ የፈለገውን እንዳያገኝም በስፍራው የነበሩ ሰዎች ጋዜጠኛዋን በመክበብ ምስሏን እንዳይቀርጽ አድርገዋል፡፡በጠያቂዎቿ እንደተከበበች ርዕዮትን መቅረጽ ያልሆነለት ስውሩ ጋዜጠኛ በመጨረሻ ርዕዮትን ነጥሎ ለማናገር ይሞክራል፡፡በዚህ ወቅት ግን የጠያቂዎች ሰዓት በማለቁ የርዕዮት ጠያቂዎች ማረሚያ ቤቱን ለቅቀው እንዲወጡ ተደርገዋል፡፡
የፍኖተ ነጻነት ምንጮች እንዳረጋገጡት ጋዜጠኛው ርዕዮትን በማግኘት ‹‹አንቺ ጋዜጠኛ አይደለሽ፣በራስሽ የምትተማመኚ ከሆነስ ለምን ለመቀረጽ እምቢ ትያለሽ›› ይላታል፡፡ርዕዮትም  ‹‹ከአንተ ጋር ከመነጋገሬ በፊት የማረሚያ ቤቱን ሃላፊዎች  ማነጋገር እፈልጋለሁ›› በማለቷ ሃላፊዎቹ ይመጣሉ፡፡ርዕዮት ቀጠለች‹‹ይህ ጋዜጠኛ የሚፈልገውን ቃለ ምልልስ የመስጠት ችግር የለብኝም፣ ነገር ግን የተናገርኩትን ቆራርጦና ጨማምሮ ሊያቀርበው የሚችል በመሆኑ የነጻ ሚዲያ አባላት በቃለ ምልልሱ ወቅት እንዲገኙ ይደረግ ፣ ከዚህ ውጪ ግን ለጥያቄው ምንም አይነት ትብብር እንደማላደርግ ይታወቅልኝ››በማለት አቋሟን ግልጽ አድርጋለች፡፡
እንደሚታወቀው መንግስት በሽብርተኝነት ከስሶ በእስራት እንድትቀጣ እያደረጋት የምትገኘው ጋዜጠኛ የጤንነቷ ሁኔታ አሳሳቢ ደረጃ ላይ እንደሚገኝ መገለጹን ተከትሎ በአገር ውስጥና በውጪ መንግስት ላይ ከፍተኛ ጫና እየተደረገ ይገኛል፡፡የጋዜጠኞች መብት ተሟጋቹ ሲፒጄን ጨምሮ የአውሮፓ ፓርላማ አባል የሆኑት ሚስ አና ጎሜዝ፤የአሜሪካ ስቴት ዲፓርትመንትና ሌሎች አለም አቀፍ ተቋማት ጋዜጠኛዋ ተገቢውን የህክምና ክትትል እንድታገኝ መጠየቃቸው አይዘነጋም፡፡
ከዚህ ቀደም ፖለቲከኛና ዳኛ የነበሩት ወ/ሪት ብርቱካን ሚዴቅሳ በታሰሩበት ወህኒ ቤት ለህመም ተጋልጠዋል የሚሉ መረጃዎች በመውጣታቸው ጫና የተፈጠረበት መንግስት ብርቱካን በጤንነት ላይ ይገኛሉ ለማለት በኢትዮጵያ ቴሌቪዥን አማካኝነት አንድ ዘገባ መስራቱ አይዘነጋም፡፡ርዕዮት ማረሚያ ቤቱ ያስገባው ስውሩ ጋዜጠኛ ከእውቅናዋ ውጪ  ሊሰራው የነበረውን ድራማ ቀድማ በመንቃቷ ሊሳካ አልቻለም፡፡

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Barking back against the Conservative Ethiopia-criticism

Barking back against the Conservative Ethiopia-criticism

Development Heikki E. Holmås reject Conservatives claim that the Stoltenberg government acts like a poodle towards the regime in Ethiopia. - Dialogue on human rights is an important part of the cooperation with the country. We are clear that we expect an improvement in the situation of human rights and democracy prior to the election in 2015, he said.
Holmås etiopia
Development Heikki Holmås and Ethiopia's former foreign mini-ster Haile Mariam Desalegn, who since the photo was taken has been prime minister scraps. Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It was the Conservative Member of Parliament Peter Gitmark that came with "poodle-statement" in the latest issue of Bistandsaktuelt. While he described the Ethiopian government as "illegitimate and authoritarian regime", he meant that Norway under the coalition government had acted servile and ironed Ethiopia by hairs.

Read the case: Right will cut aid to Ethiopia

- We provide assistance to Ethiopia because we want to support the Ethiopian people. Ethiopia has been an extremely poor country that has experienced terrible famine, and the Ethiopian people deserve a better future, saying Holmås.
He also admits that weak political rights in the country creates dilemmas for Norway as a donor, and it is this that is the reason for the so-called human rights dialogue with Ethiopia.
According to human rights organizations, Ethiopia has in recent years a number of imprisoned dissidents and journalists, and stood behind the gagging of free speech and restrictions of civil society's ability to participate in political debate and advocacy.

Eide dialogue

The Foreign Ministry will Bistandsaktuelt stated that human rights dialogue is no formal independent process, but part of the ongoing dialogue between Norway and Ethiopia. Last time human rights was an issue at the political level was then Foreign Minister Espen Barth Eide met Ethiopian Prime Minister Haile Mariam Desalegn last December.
- Barth Eide stated that Ethiopia's membership in the UN Human Rights Council will raise awareness of the human rights situation in Ethiopia and expectations of Ethiopia's national policy in this area, said Claire Annette Hubert, country manager for Ethiopia in ministry.
Also Holmås should have taken up the subject of human rights in their meetings with the Ethiopian Prime Minister. The situation for human rights, freedom of speech and freedom of the press and civil society's role should have been affected in these meetings. In addition, the topic has also been addressed in meetings at senior official level, most recently in February this year.

Challenging the Right

In the interview with Bistandsaktuelt said Conservative Peter Gitmark that the party wanted to stop or freeze the portion of aid that is most "regime supportive '. But it relaxes not
the Minister. He is now challenging Right to clarify how they will make aid cut to Ethiopia without frame work for food security, health and safety and human rights.
- Right said they would cut the aid does not serve the Ethiopian people, but what assistance is this? Is it the work against female genital mutilation? Is there support for legal aid for the poor? Or is it the work of food safety to prevent new famines when drought comes, ask Holmås.
According to SV minister is that this kind of approach by Norway through government-to-government aid to Ethiopia.
n It is difficult to imagine how the rest to the poor Ethiopian population is to be maintained, without Norway relate to the Ethiopian authorities, he said.


Ethiopia has a reputation for being an African country that can not be bullied by Western countries. In August 2007, Ethiopian authorities ordered the embassy to reduce the number of personnel at the embassy from nine to three people. The Ethiopian reaction came after Norway had arranged for a meeting on the Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict in New York.
The restrictions were lifted in September 2008 and the embassy is again fully staffed. In recent years, the trade between the two countries has been increasing.
In the last ten years, the total development cooperation plan amounts to 200-280 million annually, but only a small part of this is government-to-government assistance through the Ethiopian authorities. In 2012, aid was NOK 228 million. For Ethiopia, the Norwegian development assistance to the country, an amount equal to 0.1 percent of the country's gross national income.

Frequent guests

The coalition government have been frequent guests in Addis recent years, partly because of Ethiopia's active regional role and position of the African Union. Foreign Minister visited Ethiopia in June 2010, followed by a visit by Prime Minister Stoltenberg in October 2010. Development Solheim visited Ethiopia several times in 2011 and his successor Heikki Holmås was in Ethiopia twice in 2012. Now deceased Prime Minister Meles Zenawi visited Norway in autumn 2011.

Ethiopia: Jailed hero journalist Woubshet Taye off to Zeway death camp

 Ethiopia: Jailed hero journalist Woubshet Taye off to Zeway death camp

The Horn Times News 20 April 2013
by Getahune Bekele, South Africa
As the unpopular, corrupt and  inefficient   minority  junta continues to govern the police state Ethiopia with brute ironJailed hero journalist Woubshet Taye  hand, dealing ruthlessly with political prisoners and jailed journalists whom it blames for causing  the late despot Meles Zenawi’s “ untimely” death; Ethiopian political prisoners have fallen on hard times filled with dread and terror.
The former Editor of Awramba Times, Wubeshet Taye is the latest Prisoner to be sent to Zeway death camp to serve the remaining time  of his 14 years sentence away from his family, with the likes of Bekele Gerba, Albana Lelisa and several others who are already condemned to the notorious facility.
Chained in leg iron and carrying his belongings in tiny bag, hundreds of curios inmates at Kilinto prison watched the young scribe taken away by more than 20 TPLF soldiers on Tuesday morning April 16 2013.
A friend of the terrorized journalist confirmed to the Horn Times that Woubshet Taye is currently in Zeway, still in leg iron like all political prisoners.
The 2011 trial of Woubshet Taye was at the time described unfair and was way below the international fair trial standard under the controversial and draconian anti-terrorism law designed to persecute and silence dissenting voices.
The Horn Times franticly tried to talk to TPLF officials in charge of prison administration to find out the reason behind sending opposition prisoners particularly Ethnic Oromos and the Amharas to Zeway during the known malaria season, but none of them were willing to reply including the office of the man himself, warlord Berket Simeon.

በኖርዌይ የተደረገው የወያኔ ገቢ ማሰባሰቢያ አዳራሽ ተቃዋሚዎቹ ተቆጣጠሩት!!

በኖርዌይ የተደረገው የወያኔ ገቢ ማሰባሰቢያ አዳራሽ ተቃዋሚዎቹ ተቆጣጠሩት!!

በኖርዌይ የሚታተመው አፍተንብላደ( Aftenbladet)ጋዜጣ እንደዘገበው ለአባይ ግድብ በተዘጋጀ የገቢ ማሰባሰቢያ ላይ የወያኔ ባንዲራ ተሰቅሎ የነበረ ሲሆን ተቃዋሚው  ባንዲራውን በመሸፈን ትክክለኛውን የኢትዮጵያ ባንዲራ  ሲሰቅል የሚያሳይ ዘገባ ይዞ በፎቶ ወቷል። ወደ ኖርዌይ ትጉዛ ተዋርዳ የተባረረችው የወያኔ ዲፕሎማት ጀሌ በስዊዲን ወይዘሮ መብራት በየነ ሲደነግጡ ታይተዋል::
ስብሰባው ከመጀመሩ በፊት ጭቅጭቅ ነበር። ተቃዋሚዎች አይገቡም በማለት የተጀመረው መክፈቻ በኋላ ላይ ግን ፖሊስ ከመጣ በኋላ እንዲገቡ ተፈቀደ ። ስብሰባው በጥያቄ ተጀምሮ ነበር። ተቃዋሚዎቹ ጥያቄውም እንዲ በማለት ጀመሩ፥
1 በመጀመሪያ እስከዛሬ እናንተ ከገባችሁ ጅምሮ ለገደላችሁት ሰዎች የህሊና ፀሎት ይደረግ በማለት ነበር የተጠየቀው በመቀጠል
2 እስከዛሬ እናንተ ያደረጋችሁትን የዘር ማጥፋት በአማራ፣ በኦሮሞ እንዲሁም በሕዝባችን ላይ የተደረገው ነገር ሳያንስ ዛሬ ደግሞ በአማራው ላይ የዘር ማፅዳት ዘመቻ እየፈፀማችሁና እየገደላችሁ እዚህ መጣችሁ ገንዘብ መጠየቅ ለኛ ድፍረት ነው በማለት በስብሰባው አዳራሽ በጩወትና በመፈክር ተናወጠ የወያኔ የስዊዲን አገር ቆንፅላም እንዲሁም ጀሌዎቹም በመፍራት አዳራሹን ለተቃዋሚዎች በማስረከብ ለቀው ወተዋል ! ።
ሌባ ነው ሌባ ወያኔ ሌባ በማለት የተጀመረው በመፈክር በጭወትና በዝማሪ አዳራሹ ተደበላልቋል!
ከገንዘብ በፊት ነፃነት ይቅደም!
ከገንዘብ በፊት ሰብኣዊነት ይቅደም!
ኢትዮጵያ አገራችን የደፈረሽ ይውደም! በማለት ተቃዋማቸውን ሲያሰሙ ነበር።
 የወያኔ/ ህውሃትና ጀሌዎች በአለም ላይ የሚያደርጉት የአባይ ገቢ ማሰባሰብያ በየአለማቱ ተቋውሞ እየደረሰበት ይገኛል።
በደቡብ አፍሪካ የተጀመረው ገቢ ማሰባሰብያ ሳይሳካ እንደውም ወያኔ የተከራየውን አዳራሽ ሙሉ በሙሉ በመቆጣጠር በማስወጣት ያሳዩትን ጀግንነት ቀጥሎ በሌሎች አገርም በአሜሪካ፣ በሳውዲ አረቢያ( ጅዳ) ፣በጀርመን ተቀጣጥሎ በቀጠለበት ሁናቴ በኖርዌይ ከፍተኛ የሆነ ተቋውሞ ደርሶበታል ።
በኖርዌይ የተጀመረው ገቢ ማሰባሰብያ ስብሰባ በመቃወም ወያኔ የተከራየውን ገቢ ማሰባሰብያ አዳራሽ ሙሉ በሙሉ በመቆጣጠር በማስወጣት የወያኔን ባንዲራ በማውረድ የኢትዮጵያን ትክክለኛውን ባንዲራ በመስቀል በማውለብለብ ወያኔዎችንና ጀሌዎችን በማባረር አዳራሹን ተቃዋሚዎቹ ተቆጣጥረውታል ። በአለማቱ ያሉቱ የወያኔ ቅጥረኛ አምባሳደር ተብዬዎች አንገታቸውን ያስደፋና እንደ ቀድሞ ጠቅላይ ሚኒስተራቸው አንገትን አስደፍቶ፣አስደንግጦ ወደ መጡበት ያስመለሰ ነበር።አዳራሹ ውስጥ የነበሩት ተቃዋሚዎች ሙሉ በሙሉ ይበልጣሉ።ታሪክ በውጪ ባሉ ኢትዮጵያዊያን እየተሰራ ይገኛል!
 ኢትዮጵያውያን አንድነታቸው ተጠናክሯል ። የወያኔ የመገነጣጠል አላማ ስትራቴጂ የወደመበት ሆኗል።የሕዝቡም አንድነት የታየበት ነበር።ይህ በእንዲህ እንዳለ በኖርዌይ ኦስሎ ከተማ ታላቅ ሰላማዊ ሰልፍም ሚያዚያ 18 2013 መካሄዱ ይታወሳል።
ኢትዮጵያውያን በአንድ ላይ በመሆን በመዘመርና በመፍክር ብሶታቸውን አሰምተዋል።
ተቃዋሚዎቹ በአንድነት በመሆን ያሰሙት ቃል ነበር
(( ገና ይቀጥላል ሁላችንም ነፃ እስከምንወጣ ድረስ ))
ሞት ለአንባገነን!
ኢትዮጵያ በክብር ለዘላለም ትኑር!!!

አምባሳደር መብራት በየነ ከኖርዌይ ተባረረች (ኖርዌይ

በሄለን ዘውዱ አየለ
የኢትዮጵያ የቁርጥ ቀን ልጆች በኖርዌይ ስታቫንገር ከተማ የአባይን ቦንድ ለመሽጥ የመጡትን ወያኔዎች አባረው ወያኔ ያዘጋጀው አዳራሽ ውስጥ ተስብሰበው በሃገራችን ወቅታዊ ጉዳይ ላይMebrat Beyene Abay, Ethiopian ambassader in Swedenተወያይተዋል ቦንድ ለመሽጥ የመጣችው አምባሳደር መብራት በየነ ንግግር ስትጀምር ስለታሰሩትና ስለተፈናቀሉት ወገኖቻችን በመጀመሪያ ጥያቄችንን መልሽልን በማለት ወጥረው ያዝዋት ውጥረቱም ተበብሶ አምባሳደሯ  ውርደቷን ተከናንባ ከነጀሌዎቿ  በፖሊስ ሃይል  አፍረው ተመልሰዋል። ለተጨማሪ ዘገባ እዚህ ይጫኑ

The 300 attendees were Ethiopian asylum seekers or people with Ethiopian background.

Protesters in Norway disrupt TPLF’s fundraising event

Protesters in Norway disrupt TPLF’s fundraising event

Published on April 20, 2013
Editor’s Note: Following in footstep of Houston and Jiddah , protesters in Norway prevented  TPLF ambassadors  from collecting money in the name of bond sell for Renaissance Dam.Below is a report by  a  Norwegian language website that  witnessed the situation unfold.
By Toril Risholm|
Mange av dem i salen tok ordet og fortalte om slektninger som var blitt fengslet, drept eller som hadde forsvunnet i politiets varetekt.
FOTO: Jarle Aasland
 police came out with three cars and six policemen and stopped a meeting of Tasta bydelshus where the atmosphere was becoming so very testy among the more than 300 attendees.
The approximately 300 attendees were Ethiopian asylum seekers or people with Ethiopian background. The police feared that it would get completely out of control when people in the audience went to the hard verbal confrontation against two representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm who had called for and chaired the meeting.
The police gave the first message that all protesters to leave the meeting while the two embassy people and their potential supporters can be seated. This denied the attendees protesters, and several feared it would come to an open confrontation between police and people in the audience. Then, specific efforts manager Øyvind Sveinsvoll of Rogaland police to stop the meeting and clear the room.
It was a wise decision, said several of those present protesters. They did not want the two embassy people should be left as “victors” while they were evicted.
- “Our goal was to stop the meeting. We managed, says one of them to Eve magazine.”
The atmosphere was tense that the police chose to isolate the two embassy people from the rest of the participants. They escorted them out to a private car that carried them away from the area. The 300 attendees were then drop out of the courtroom.
There was general consul at the Ethiopian Embassy, ​​Abay Mebrat Beyene, who would chair the meeting with embassy secretary. The main theme was collecting money in the Ethiopian exile to a very controversial oppdemningsprosjekt – a prestige project for the regime in Ethiopia.
Mass demonstrations abroad
The Ethiopian authorities have tried to keep similar “recovery meetings” both in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and Germany, and each time meetings have ended in massive demonstrations against human rights violations in Ethiopia. People imprisoned without trial, free elections are abolished, freedom of speech likewise, newspapers are state controlled and many journalists imprisoned.
Not voluntary payment
Several took the floor during the meeting the key bydelshus and said this was not a voluntary fundraising. Those who did not pay the money, you could expect problems when they contacted the embassy to obtain a passport or ID papers.
Gearing up for the Oslo-riot
Saturday’s meeting was the first of its kind in Norway. And exiled Ethiopians came in separate buses from Oslo, others came from Steinkjær, Otta, Stord and Bergen to demonstrate in Tasta bydelshus against the regime in Ethiopia.
28th April, the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm hold a similar meeting in Oslo.
- We are going to fill the buses with protesters, said several of those present to Eve magazine.

Police stopped meeting in Tasta bydelshus


    Police stopped meeting in Tasta bydelshus

    The police came out with three cars and six policemen and stopped a meeting of Tasta bydelshus where the atmosphere was becoming so very testy among the more than 300 attendees.
    The approximately 300 attendees were Ethiopian asylum seekers or people with Ethiopian background. The police feared that it would get completely out of control when people in the audience went to the hard verbal confrontation against two representatives from the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm who had called for and chaired the meeting.
    The police gave the first message that all protesters to leave the meeting while the two embassy people and their potential supporters can be seated. This denied the attendees protesters, and several feared it would come to an open confrontation between police and people in the audience. Then, specific efforts manager Øyvind Sveinsvoll of Rogaland police to stop the meeting and clear the room.
    It was a wise decision, said several of those present protesters. They did not want the two embassy people should be left as "victors" while they were evicted.
    - Our goal was to stop the meeting. We managed, says one of them to Eve magazine.
    Mange av dem i salen tok ordet og fortalte om slektninger som var blitt fengslet, drept eller som hadde forsvunnet i politiets varetekt.
    Many of those in the audience spoke up and told about relatives who had been imprisoned, killed or who have disappeared in police custody.
    PHOTO: Jarle Aasland

    Had to isolate embassy people

    The atmosphere was tense that the police chose to isolate the two embassy people from the rest of the participants. They escorted them out to a private car that carried them away from the area. The 300 attendees were then drop out of the courtroom.
    There was general consul at the Ethiopian Embassy, ​​Abay Mebrat Beyene, who would chair the meeting with embassy secretary. The main theme was collecting money in the Ethiopian exile to a very controversial oppdemningsprosjekt - a prestige project for the regime in Ethiopia.

    Mass demonstrations abroad

    The Ethiopian authorities have tried to keep similar "recovery meetings" both in South Africa, Saudi Arabia, the U.S. and Germany, and each time meetings have ended in massive demonstrations against human rights violations in Ethiopia. People imprisoned without trial, free elections are abolished, freedom of speech likewise, newspapers are state controlled and many journalists imprisoned.

    Not voluntary payment

    Several took the floor during the meeting the key bydelshus and said this was not a voluntary fundraising. Those who did not pay the money, you could expect problems when they contacted the embassy to obtain a passport or ID papers.

    Gearing up for the Oslo-riot

    Saturday's meeting was the first of its kind in Norway. And exiled Ethiopians came in separate buses from Oslo, others came from Steinkjær, Otta, Stord and Bergen to demonstrate in Tasta bydelshus against the regime in Ethiopia.
    28th April, the Ethiopian Embassy in Stockholm hold a similar meeting in Oslo.
    - We are going to fill the buses with protesters, said several of those present to Eve magazine.

ዜና በጨዋታ፤ …አማራ ኦሮሞ እስላም ክርስቲያኑ… ባንድ ላይ ተባብረው በ…ያዲግ ጨከኑ

ዜና በጨዋታ፤ …አማራ ኦሮሞ እስላም ክርስቲያኑ… ባንድ ላይ ተባብረው በ…ያዲግ ጨከኑ

524625_10151537859584373_1860470982_nየቃላት መፍቻ… “…ያዲግ” የተባለው ኢህአዴግ በትክክል መጥራት ሲያቅተን ነው አሉ…!
“ኢህአዴግ እና ኢጣሊያን ዋነኛ የሚታወቁበት የአገዛዝ ስልት ከፋፍሎ የመግዛት ስልት ነው፡፡” እያሉ ምሁራኖች ይተነትናሉ፡፡ እኛም ኢህአዴግ ችርቻሮ ትወዳለች ብለን ብዙ ጊዜ ተናግረናል፡፡ በተደጋጋሚ እንዳየነው …ያዲግ ስታጠቃ እየነጠለች ነው፡፡ ሙስሊሙን ለብቻ፣ ክርስቲያኑን ለብቻ፣ ቆለኛውን ለብቻ፣ ደገኛውን ለብቻ፣ አማራውን ለብቻ ኦሮሞውን ለብቻ…
ታድያ ከሆነ ጊዜ በኋላ ይሄ ችርቻሮ ብዙ ያዋጣ አይመስለኝም፡፡ ክርስቲያኑ በሙስሊሙ ጥቃት አብሮ “ተክቢር” ሲል አሮሞው በአማራው ጥቃት አርማውን ይዞ “አሌሊ…” ሲል አማራው በኦሮሞው ጥቃት “ዘራፍ ወንዱ” ብሎ ሲነሳ እያየን ነው፡፡ … ይቺን ነው መሸሽ አሉ አብዬ መሸሻ ብለን እንቀጥላለን…
ዛሬ ሚያዝያ 12/2005 ዓ.ም በኖርዌይ ወይዘሮ መብራት በየነ የሚመሩት “የወዲህ በሉ” ቡድን ከስደተኞች ብር ወዲህ በሉ ለማለት ስብሰባ ጠርቶ ነበር፡፡ በስብሰባው በርካታ ኢትዮጵያውያን ቢገኙም፤ ለመንግስት ገንዘብ አለሰጡም… ለተወካዮቹ ሃርድ ሰጥተው አባረሯቸው እንጂ!
ኢትዮጵያውያኑ ያለ ኮከብ የሚያበራውን የኢትዮጵያ ባንዲራ እና መንግስት አሸባሪ የሚለው የኦነግንአርማ የያዙ ሲሆን ከያዙት መፈክር ውስጥ ደግሞ በቤኒሻንጉል ክልል የተደረገውን የአማርኛ ተናጋሪዎችን መባረር፣ ሙስሊም ኢትዮጵያውያን ላይ የሚደረገው የእምነት ነፃነት ግፊያ የሚያወግዙ ይገኙበታል፡፡ “ተከብረሽ የኖርሽው በአባቶቻችን ደም እናት ኢትዮጵያ የደፈረሽ ይውደም” ም ተብሏል፡፡
ይህንን ሁሉ ውግዘት ቁጭ ብለው ሲኮመኩሙ የቆዩት ዲፕሎማት ወይዘሮም ምንም አማራጭ አለነበራቸውም … ካላችሁማ እመለሳለሁ እንጂ ምን አደርጋለሁ… ብለው ባዶ ቦርሳቸውን ሲመለሱ አልደብቃችሁም አንጀቴን በልተውታል፡፡
ዜናውን ከማብቃቴ በፊት ርዕሳችንን እንደግማታለን
አማራ ኦሮሞ እስላም ክርስቲያኑ
ባንድ ላይ ተባብረው በ…ያዲግ ጨከኑ… ኑ ኑ  ኑ… ብለንም የገደል ማሚቶ እናበጅለታለን!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Stop support for regime

Norway must stop supporting a regime that operates with ethnic discrimination and human rights violations, was the slogan of tens Ethiopians, who demonstrated outside parliament earlier this Thursday.
Photo: Claudio Castello

- Stop support for regime

The tone was resolute when, dozens of Ethiopians living in Norway, held a protest outside Parliament earlier today.
The gang pictured here mean the eleven percent that goes from Norway that foreign aid is helping to contribute to a hopeless situation for most of Ethiopia's minority groups.
Photo: Claudio Castello
- Norway must stop supporting Ethiopia's government financially and morally. The regime is undemocratic and willing to engage in ethnic cleansing, was one of the charges were read out during the appeals on Eidsvolls space.
Shemilesseb (43), were granted residence in Norway because of political activity in the country. He is disappointed that Norway has created such a good economic and political relations to Addis Ababa.
Photo: Claudio Castello
"Cleaning" as it refers to the accusation that Ethiopian authorities forcibly move thousands of Amhara-speaking farmers from Ethiopia's southern regions. Forced displacement must have occurred in degrading forms, according to several of those who were present during the demonstration.
- People have been forced to leave their homes without any of their belongings. More should have been abused by soldiers, and we've already been hearing about people who lost their lives due to suffocation, as they almost were stacked on top of each other in different load images. says Gennet, a woman in her 50s, who came as a political refugee to Norway, to
- Thrown in the River
According to second-hand descriptions that she has gained through acquaintances in Ethiopia, it was a brutal fate that met people who gave in to the soldiers' orders.
- According to what I heard, they were beaten with rifle butts lifeless, and thrown into the nearest lake or river, she continues.
How far has the government's campaigns against the Amhara people taken?
- For nearly 22 years. The problem of Ethiopia is that Norway has a very good relationship with the regime, and sends millions annually in investment and foreign aid. Norway must use its position to exert pressure so that we can end this ethnic cleansing, she adds.
Fearing a new Somalia
Shemilesseb (43) also came to Norway as a refugee. Having said straight out that he demonstrates because "we Ethiopians can no longer live as slaves"
- The government is dominated by tigrinjerne, which is the most influential of all ethnicities in the country and forcing its will on the others. People who are not tigrinjere treated as second-class citizens. Norway must put your foot down and cut funding to the regime in Addis Ababa, he said.
According Shemilesseb campaigns are well planned, as some groups is forced together or that the strains sent to the resource-poor areas.
- The aim is to create ethnic and tribal-based conflicts, while the majority of the land is government that they want.
He fears chaos and that Ethiopia will be like Somalia if neither Norway nor the international community does not intervene.
- We have 80 different ethnic groups in Ethiopia. And then it goes without saying that the chaos will advise if the country was divided into 80 states. If Ethiopia is characterized by peace and democracy, then all ethnic groups get along with each other and have equal opportunities to influence the governance of the country, he says to

Protest rally in Oslo, Norway: Against the recent forceful eviction of Amharas

Protest rally in Oslo, Norway: Against the recent forceful eviction of Amharas

Ethiopians in Norway have held a great and spectacular demonstration
Ethiopians in Norway have held a great and spectacular demonstration opposing the recent evictions of ethnic Amharas from different parts of Ethiopia and demanding freedom in Ethiopia.
The demonstrators in their huge numbers showed their anger and frustration walking through the main street in Oslo and chanting slogans denouncing the barbaric act of the TPLF regime and demanding democracy and regime change in Ethiopia.
The participants in the demonstration were different organizations, political parties, supporting organs, civic organizations, religious groups and independent individuals reflecting Ethiopians unity and colorfulness!
The demonstrators have also meet the representative of the Norwegian parliament –Stortinget, and delivered their appeal.
In this demonstration Ethiopians in Norway not only showed their solidarity with all victims of TPLF in Ethiopia, but also confirmed their determination to confront any activities what so ever done in Norway by TPLF in the name of Ethiopian people!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Update on information controls in Ethiopia

Update on information controls in Ethiopia: By Irene Poetranto


Ethiopia remains a highly restrictive environment in which to express political dissent online. The government of Ethiopia has long filtered critical and oppositional political content. Anti-terrorism legislation is frequently used to target online speech, including in the recent conviction of a dozen individuals, many of whom were tried based on their online writings. OpenNet Initiative (ONI) testing conducted in Ethiopia in September 2012 found that online political and news content continues to be blocked, including the blogs and websites of a number of recently convicted individuals. This blog post summarizes recent developments in Ethiopia and reports on the results of ONI testing in the country.

Recent developments in Ethiopia

Recent developments in Ethiopia underscore the dangerous environment in the country for critical political voices. Broad application of the country’s 2009 anti-terrorism proclamation has served as the basis for a number of recent convictions.1 In recent months, bloggers and journalists have been convicted on terrorism charges based on their online and offline writings. Most notably, in July 2012 blogger Eskinder Nega was jailed for 18 years on charges of attempting to incite violence through his blog posts.2 This incident was the seventh arrest of Nega for his critical writings.3 Nega was accused of conspiring with Ginbot 7, an oppositional political group labeled a terrorist organization by the Ethiopian government.4 Also convicted in absentia were Abebe Gellaw of the online news platform Addis Voice, as well as Mesfin Negash and Abiye Teklemariam, editors of the news website Addis Neger Online.5 A number of other journalists and opposition political figures were also simultaneously convicted of similar offenses.6 In January 2012, Elias Kifle, editor of Ethiopian Review, was convicted in absentia under the same anti-terrorism laws.7
The government of Ethiopia has also sought to make legislative changes that would affect the use of online communication tools. Legislation has been introduced that would restrict the use of Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications such as Skype. While government representatives portrayed the proposed law as a means of protecting domestic telecommunications providers,8 some critics described the new draft legislation as an attempt to criminalize the use of VoIP services to punish dissent.9 Additional restrictions exist on private actors delivering telecommunications services to third parties more generally.10 Moreover, a number of unconfirmed reports suggest that users of Internet cafes in Addis Ababa have been confronted or arrested by security officials after using the cafes to visit sensitive political websites.11
Other reports from the country describe attempts by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to restrict the use of tools to anonymize web browsing and circumvent Internet filtering. In May 2012, developers of the Internet anonymizer software project Tor reported that the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation (ETC) had begun using Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) to block access to the Tor service.12 This finding followed reports from July 2011 of an ETC-issued tender for the procurement of DPI technology.13 In December 2010 the ETC, renamed as Ethio Telecom, signed a 30 million Euro contract with France Telecom, outsourcing management of Ethio Telecom for two years.14

Past ONI testing in Ethiopia

The ONI conducts technical testing of Internet filtering through the use of specially designed software distributed to researchers located in the country of interest.15 ONI has previously conducted two phases of technical testing in Ethiopia, in 2006/2007 and in 2008/2009. Both phases of testing found extensive filtering of political content.
  • Testing conducted in 2006 and 2007 on the ISP ETC found that a broad variety of political and news-related websites were blocked, including opposition political sites, critical political blogs, independent Ethiopian media, human rights sites, and sites with content related to ethnic minorities.16 The entire domain of several blogging platforms, including the international Blogspot and the Ethiopia-focused Nazret, were found to be blocked. However, international news sites such as CNN and Voice of America, as well as prominent critical blogs Addis Voice and Ethiopian Review, were found to be accessible.
  • Testing conducted in 2008 and 2009 on ETC found a similar variety of content to be blocked.17 A number of independent Ethiopian news sites, including Ethiopia Exchange (, were found to be blocked, while international news sites such as CNN and Voice of America remained accessible. While the use of VoIP services among the general public was restricted, the website of Skype ( remained accessible.

2012 ONI testing results

ONI conducted testing of filtering in Ethiopia on the ISP Ethio Telecom (formerly ETC) from September 17 to 19, 2012. In total, 1375 unique URLs were tested, with 73 of those URLs found to be blocked. (Lists of URLs tested, as well as URLs found blocked, can be found in the ‘Data’ section at the end of this report.) Blocked content was found to be blocked through the use of forged TCP RST (reset) packets, a method that is not transparent to users. RST packets are typically sent by clients or servers when there are network problems, as a response to a half-open connection, or some other network anomaly.18 When a RST flag is received most networking implementations in an operating system will shut down the socket used.
The result of a forged TCP RST packets from a user’s perspective, is that any attempts to access blocked content would display a typical browser error message indicating the site was unreachable rather than an explicit block page. However, analysis of packet captures conducted during testing demonstrates that attempts to access this content are disrupted through the use of forged TCP RST packets directly in response to an HTTP GET request, as shown in Figure 1 (click image to enlarge):
Figure 1: Sample packet capture of an attempt to access
Figure 1: Sample packet capture of an attempt to access
With some exceptions, the majority of URLs found to be blocked contained content directly related to Ethiopia. Most URLs found blocked belonged to ONI’s ‘political’ category,19 including independent media and critical political blogs. The blocked content includes online portals such as Nazret ( and Cyber Ethiopia (, diaspora media such as Toronto-based TZTA Ethiopia Newspaper (, and other critical political organizations, including the website of the Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners ( The website of Oromo independence organization Oromo Liberation Front ( was found to be blocked. Also found blocked were the websites of a number of anonymization and circumvention tools, such as the Tor Project (, Ultrasurf (, and Psiphon ( Only two international news sites were found to be blocked, Al Jazeera ( and Al Arabiya (
A number of sites associated with recently imprisoned bloggers were also found to be blocked. EthioMedia (, a news site contributed to by imprisoned blogger Eskinder Nega, was found blocked. Addis Voice (, founded by recently sentenced Abebe Gellaw, was blocked, as was Ethiopian Review (, whose editor Elias Kifle was convicted in absentia for violating the country’s anti-terrorism laws.20 Addis Neger Online (,21 the site at which editors Mesfin Negash and Abiye Teklemariam posted content that lead to their imprisonment, was found to be blocked. Also found to be blocked was the website of Ginbot 7 ( Although the website of prominent independent weekly newspaper The Reporter ( was reported blocked in April 2012,22 ONI testing found this website to be accessible.


Through a combination of legal action taken against individuals for their online writings, technical filtering of Internet content, and low Internet penetration rates23, Ethiopia remains a highly challenging space in which to express political dissent online. Technical testing conducted by ONI confirms that critical political content is filtered through non-transparent means. ONI will continue to monitor information controls and threats to freedom of expression in Ethiopia.


The OpenNet Initiative would like to thank an anonymous individual for generous assistance in collecting technical data from Ethiopia.


The complete list of blocked URLs, as well as the lists of URLs tested, can be found in the following:
Complete list of blocked sites on Ethio Telecom
  • [CSV] [Google Doc]
  • Testing conducted from September 17 to 19, 2012
  • Category codes can be found in Google Doc version
List of URLs tested on Ethio Telecom
  • Local List [CSV] [Google Doc]
  • Global List [CSV] [Google Doc]
  • Lists used in testing conducted from September 17 to 19, 2012
  • Category codes can be found in Google Doc version
Important note about testing data: The absence of a particular URL from the list of blocked URLs is not necessarily an indication that the content is accessible in Ethiopia. In some circumstances, issues encountered during data collection prevent confirmation of the status of a given URL.


1 Human Rights Watch, “Ethiopia: Terrorism law used to crush free speech,” June 27, 2012,…
2 Maasho, Aaron, “Ethiopia jails blogger, reporters, opposition figures,” July 13, 2012,…
3 PEN American Center, “Top PEN prize to honor Eskinder Nega, jailed Ethiopian journalist and blogger,” April 12, 2012,
4 Hunter-Gault, Charlayne, “The dangerous case of Eskinder Nega,” July 17, 2012, The New Yorker,…
5 Committee to Protect Journalists, “Ethiopia sentences Eskinder, 5 others on terror charges,” July 13, 2012,…
6 Emily Alpert, “Famed Ethiopian journalist, dissidents convicted of terrorism,” June 27, 2012, Los Angeles Times,…
7 Human Rights Watch, “Ethiopia: Terrorism verdict quashes free speech,” January 19, 2012,…
8 Sudan Tribune, “Ethiopia: Govt denies banning Skype and other Internet communication services,” June 24, 2012,
9 Al Jazeera, “Ethiopia: Skype me maybe,” June 14, 2012,
10 Freedom House, “Ethiopia,” 2012,
11 Addis Neger Online, “Crackdown in Addis Ababa Internet cafes, two arrested on Tuesday,” August 2011,…
12 Tor, “Ethiopia introduces deep packet inspection,” May 31, 2012,
13 Broadband Traffic Management, “Ethio Telecom issued a tender for DPI,” July 7, 2011,…
14 Aaron Maasho, “Ethiopia outsources telecom management to France Telecom,” December 3, 2010,
15 For more information on ONI’s testing methodology, see
16 OpenNet Initiative, “Internet filtering in Ethiopia in 2006-2007,”
17 OpenNet Initiative, “Ethiopia,” September 30, 2009,
18 Information Sciences Institute, “Transmission Control Protocol”
19 Content categorized as “political” focuses primarily on websites that present views in opposition to those of the current government. Content more broadly related to human rights, freedom of expression, minority rights, and religious movements is also included in this category.
20 Human Rights Watch, “Ethiopia: Terrorism verdict quashes free speech,” January 19, 2012,…
21 At the time of publication, this website was flagged by Google Safe Search as distributing malware.
22 Reporters Without Borders, “Leading weekly’s website blocked for past six days,” April 26, 2012,,4…
23 OpenNet Initiative, “Ethiopia,” September 30, 2009,